Quicksilver Syndicate

Originating in Mianej, the Quicksilver Syndicate is a loosely affiliated web of forgers, money launderers, fences and fixers dealing in a wide range of goods and services legal and illegal.


The Quicksilver Syndicate came into being in Mianej over two hundred years ago when the city was nothing more than a sleepy fishing village that, due to its tricky and dangerous inlet, became a haven for smugglers. Mianej grew rich on the black market trade, especially during times of conflict, from the War of Brothers on which the Samraj was born, to the colonial wars of conquest and the recent Volenaran War of Sovereignty.


The businessmen growing rich of these profits soon realized that bloody infighting and competition was costing them all money and the Syndicate was established. A series of laws and punishments were established and agreed upon. Those joining the Syndicate are said to seal their oaths by kissing a black bladed dagger, rumored to be an artifact of the deva Durgan carried from Utanar. Those who double-crossed their fellow members would be cursed with poverty and ridicule, a fate worse than death for avaricious, powerful men. Over many years, as more Calmaxtec and Tlanelolli joined the ranks, their patron Durgan was joined with the teotl Huepilzantl, dual patrons known as the Dark Brothers.


The Syndicate grew rapidly, eventually gaining a presence in every major city in Kalmasa as well as capital cities in the colonies. Occasionally, the Left Eye of Evran will mount an anti-smuggling and corruption crusade that results in the capture and execution of Syndicate members, but the streetwise know that those were just the fools that crossed the Syndicate’s leadership. It is rumored that some Syndicate members are actually some of the largest donors to the United Temples and that the Syndicate actually assists the Left Eye in their efforts to uproot Chicahuacohtli, whose own illegal operations cut into Syndicate profits and who have political goals that would disrupt business.

Illicit, Syndicate
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