
The Skjoldir are the second-most numerous Jolnir tribe in Heimval, native to the southeast. Their name means Shieldfolk, for their tradition of clan names originating from the styles of their clan shields as well as their manner of fighting, in which they independently devised the shield wall tactic among the Jolnir, to great effect.


Although the Ostir were the first to work copper and bronze, the Skjoldir perfected the art. This superior technology improved their warfare, shipcraft and farming, enabling them to grow greatly in numbers in the rich, relatively warm lands of the southeast. Like the Ostir to the north, they also long ago domesticated the native dadyr herds, providing them ready meat, hides, mounts and beasts of burden.


All these advantages allowed the Skjoldir to be relatively safe from the incursions of the Vandir and Ostir. The clans and small kingdoms primarily fought among themselves over the centuries for territory and wealth through raids and small wars. It was not until the rise of Magni af Rotskjold that matters changed significantly.


Through a combination of skill in politics and warfare, as well as ruthlessness and vision, Magni succeeded in conquering all of the southeastern peninsula of Heimval, establishing the rikja Rotskjoldland, the first modern country of Heimval with an established set of laws, standing army and system of taxation. Smaller Skjoldir kingdoms and clanholds on the periphery of Skjoldir territories managed to maintain independence through the payment of tribute as well as Magni’s desire to maintain a buffer between his own lands and that of the Vandir and Ostir.


It was during this conquest that the obscure, peaceful Veifskjold clan fled their homes on the tip of the peninsula, making their way south to settle the northeastern coast of Barendar where they had already established summer camps on the small islands off that coast from which they hunted hval and rostung. This clan became known as the Yngir.


Years later, after the conquest of Rotskjoldland by the Kalmasan Samraj during the Northern Wars, many Skjoldir fled west as refugees into the kingdoms of Jonagval and Brynheim or to the remaining independent Skjoldir kingdoms to the north and west of the peninsula. Most of these refugees were led by dispossessed Skjoldir nobles and chieftains, bitterly angry at the rumored treachery of Theotan Mjolkar Mjolkarsen against Rik Torvald.


After the Northern Wars ended with the Treaty of Udvala, these Skjoldir leaders eagerly await the opportunity to reclaim their lands and take revenge against now Rik Mjolkar and the Samraj. Many recently gained prestige and wealth during the War of Sovereignty, participating in it as privateers, mercenaries and smugglers. Some have used their newfound wealth to push into the southern Vandir territories from the northern coast of the Gulf of Eltan to establish new bases of wealth, independence and power.

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