
Jonagval is a kingdom, (rikja) in southwestern Heimval covering all of Grunmark and a portion of the mainland south and east of Brynheim. Jonagval was founded by Jonag Issenhjart, bastard son of a captured Rotskjoldland noblewoman and a Vandir chieftain who clawed his way up among the brutal Vandir through wit and courage.


He led his powerful and numerous horde into the fertile grasslands of Grunmark, conquering the theotans and killing Rik Danwar den Ulykege of Fridhovsland. He ruled in the style of his mother's people, and killed or drove out those of his Vandir clan who opposed this settled existence and refused to change their customs. Later Jonagval was successful, through an alliance with Brynheim, in repelling an invading force of the Kalmasan Samraj during the Northern Wars.


Jonagval is currently ruled by Issenhjart’s great grandson, Jonag the Third. It is a populous kingdom of new-found wealth gained through preferred trade agreements with Volenar established after the War of Sovereignty.


Its population is almost entirely Jolnir, mainly Brynir, with a large minority of Thalkunir and Vandir ancestry as well as many Skjoldir from Rotskjoldland. Aside from Jolnir, there are sizable populations of Eshtem and Calmaxtec in the major cities and a few ejdehan and varhani, almost exclusively found in the port cities, usually as traders or sailors.

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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