Solkaran War Academy

All officers serving in the Kalmasan Samraj are graduates of the Solkaran War Academy. Candidates must pass a series of qualification tests to join, making it largely merit based, though political and monetary influence does come into play since many of the tests are subjective in nature.


Tuition is unaffordable to most commoners, however enlisted soldiers and sailors who have served for three years and who are sponsored by a serving officer have their tuition waived if they pass the qualification tests. This scholarship is limited to a certain number per year and competition is fierce. The scholarship has provided one way for those born to humble circumstances to come up in the world. However, most cadets hail come from wealthy noble and merchant houses. Many of these families send their second sons to attend who have had formal schooling beforehand and are specifically prepared for the qualification tests.


Cadets are divided into the Naval College and the Army College and are trained in the arts of combat, warfare, intelligence gathering and analysis, as well as liberal arts pertinent to the formation of both a military officer and a gentleman.


After the signing of the Treaty of Ekara and the perceived loss of the War of Sovereignty, there was been a major shake-up of the academy by Samrajan Mahendran III. Many senior fellows at the academy have been forced to retire and new fellows, many who were officers from humble backgrounds and some non-Eshtem, have taken their place. This has created tension in the academy, but this tension has been overshadowed by the unrest in the Samraj in the post-war period.

Military, Other
Training Level
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