
Lady of Tears, Wave Mother, Queen of the Depths

Thera is gottyan of the seas among the Jolnir. She is the embodiment of the world's waters and mother of the life those waters support. Thera is held in reverence by Jolnir who depend upon the sea, fisherman, traders, sailors and pirates. She is also the exclusive gottyan of the Yngir.


In Jolnir lore, Thera is the younger sister of Ragna. She was also consort to Thalkun, with whom she is mother to the gottun Eltan as well as all sea life. Due to this belief, seafaring Jolnir have a great respect for the ulan people as her special children. They believe that to harm or insult an ulan is to risk her wrath.


In Heimval, the religion of Thera is controlled by the Saedir sisterhood. Through her power, the Saedir are capable of great powers over the sea, winds and mist and the creatures of the deep. They officiate over births, deaths and ceremonial occasions in Thera's name for the coastal dwelling people of Heimval.


In Yngheim, Thera is central to the religion of the Yngir. Their worship of her as a lady of peace and kindess is viewed as unorthodox by other Jolnir. Visiting Yngir traders and sailors are permitted to worship after their fashion in the ports of Heimval countries, but any attempt at prostelyzing their version of worship is quickly put down by local Saedir lodges.


Thera is commonly represented by an image of a woman standing atop a cresting wave or riding on the back of a hval.

Divine Classification


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