
Yngborg is the capital city of Yngheim. It is a port city near the mouth of the Thjota River that empties into the Atyanta Ocean. Yngborg is a prosperous and clean city, reflecting the national character of the Yngir. Unlike many port cities in Torvalen, few foreigners are seen on its streets. This is partially due to its location on the periphery of Torvalen, but mostly attributed to the policies of the city's authorities, whose guards police the streets and punish unlawful acts such as public drunkenness, fighting or unlicensed solicitation with the utmost alacrity.


Punishments consist mostly of fines but can escalate to permanent banishment from the country. Prisons are rarely used, since the Yngir see this sort of free housing and food as an outrageous expense on themselves to little useful purpose. For those who are able to follow the law, Yngborg is a quiet, but welcoming place where business can be done safely and efficiently with none of the bribes an extortion so often encountered elsewhere in Torvalen.


The western section of the city is of a strikingly different character. It is heavily wooded, walled off from the rest of the city and passable only by a single gated bridge. This is the city sanctuary where visiting dhun stay. Some dhun come to discuss political matters of mutual interest. Others come to study, learning languages or other arts. Still others come to experience the outside world. However, as comparatively quiet and peaceful as Yngborg is, it can be quite overwhelming for the Dhun. The sanctuary provides them a homelike place to recover from overstimulation.


Yngborg is the home of the Mahygskol af Yngborg, the oldest by far of any university or academy of the Jolnir peoples, most of which are quite recent.

Large city
Location under


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