
Marekar is a colony of the Kalmasan Samraj found on the northern coast of Barendar. Unlike other Kalmasan colonies established in eastern Kemesh and southern Barendar, Marekar as remained little more than a small fortified outpost surrounded by a few square miles of cleared land. Its primary settlement is Fort Marekar, a walled fort looking out on a small bay.


Marekar's primary inhabitants are Kalmasan infantry and navy garrisoned at the fort with nearly a equal number of civilians who look after the care and maintenance of the garrison as well as sailors and dock workers. The colony is not self-sufficient, though there are a few farms that supplement the supply ships.


The colony's primary worth to the Samraj is as a harbor from which patrols are sent out to guard shipping lanes and from which they may resupply, shelter or refit on runs between the province of Rotskjoldland in Heimval and the cities of Kalmasa.


Samrajan Mahendran III has not given up designs on expanding the colony, but maintaining the cohesion of the Samraj after the loss of Volenar consumes most of the country's attentions and resistance to its expansion by the dhun to the south is constant and unyielding.

Outpost / Base
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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