Hantei Sachihiro

The family at Otosan Uchi is large because the whole of the top-class at the Spider clan and the advisors act as a conglomeration of parents and raise the kids together. Hantei Awakane is the primary fun dad, Hantei Kanpeki is the strict father, Otomo Misaki is the strict mother, Mirumoto Kimito and Toku Sayaka are the fun moms, and Toku Senzan is the father who gives you the most patient advice. All of these "parental" figures and their kids are raised pretty much together, and leaves out the very frequent and present uncles and aunts--namely Hantei Lehn, Hantei Khunbish, Hantei Khenbish, and Hantei Fuma   Sachihiro is one of 3 triplets born to Hantei Kanpeki and Otoumo Misaki. While mistaken for a boy on birth, Sachihiro soon discovered on her wacky adventures with her two brothers that she didn't quite feel at home in her gender. When she spoke to her mother about it, her mother arranged for her to spend a year abroad in an adoption by Yoritomo Raishen.   In that year, she presented as and used female pronouns. She was invited to work at court functions and was a second assistant to Moshi Sachiko. She missed her brothers' rambunctious adventures, but she realized this was who she was.   Her brothers, forcibly separated from her for the first time in their lives, decided to bust in the door at a Mantis party without permission and found her. Confused at first, they eventually grasped the concept that they now had an identical sister.   The three of them grew up together, attached at the hip, and never settled down. Mostly out of mercy for any person they would have been settled with--after all, any person married to one of them would end up married to all three, and that was just too much for anyone to handle.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Bisexual Switch
Hantei Tomohiro
Hantei Kaia
Hantei Seichi (Half [Secret])
Hantei Nariko (Half [Secret])
Self (Triplet)
Hantei Sukiya (triplet)
Hantei Hideo (triplet)
Unrelated Relations
Toku Aito (brother)
Toku Kimiko (sister)
Otomo Nobuko (sister)