Hantei Tomohiro

The family at Otosan Uchi is large because the whole of the top-class at the Spider clan and the advisors act as a conglomeration of parents and raise the kids together. Hantei Awakane is the primary fun dad, Hantei Kanpeki is the strict father, Otomo Misaki is the strict mother, Mirumoto Kimito and Toku Sayaka are the fun moms, and Toku Senzan is the father who gives you the most patient advice. All of these "parental" figures and their kids are raised pretty much together, and leaves out the very frequent and present uncles and aunts--namely Hantei Lehn, Hantei Khunbish, Hantei Khenbish, and Hantei Fuma   Tomohiro is the child of Hantei Kanpeki and Otoumo Misaki and takes after his father. He has known since very early into his life that he is expected to take up the mantle of Clan Champion, and he takes it seriously. Tomohiro's countenance is frequently stoic, much like his dad's, although softer, because of the influence of his overly affectionate uncle and his doting mother.   He has been privy to the knowledge of the Spider clan in ways that no other sibling has. He knows the secrets behind the doors that are locked away, knows the problems and where they stem from, and knows what crimes are acceptable and which are not. The only thing he is not privy to is the nature of his grandfather, Daigotsu, whom the family has allowed to be remembered as Hantei Daisetsu, instead.   Tomohiro rarely stepped out of line. He knew his place in it, and he upheld it, until one fateful trek across the countryside looking after Matsu Kentaro brought him into contact with the Ronin Itsuki.   Itsuki was a woman with no reverence for the Samurai caste, and no respect for status. She was loud-mouthed, provocative and liked to get a rise out of him. It was especially used on him, because he very rarely seemed to lose his cool. This meant that Itsuki would flirt, madly, with him.. get up in his face, crawl into his lap, kiss him--anything to get him to lose his cool.   And it did. Tomohiro snapped and fucked her senseless. She paused a bit after that, but he wasn't inclined to. Tomohiro made a habit out of getting in fights with her just to fuck her again, and when he finally went home, he felt like he was tainted. He couldn't think straight, and the very idea of marrying anyone else seemed not just absurd but impossible.   He talked to his parents, and he was ashamed to make demands. He wanted to marry a Ronin. He wouldn't marry anyone else. He'd compromise and just not get married if that was what they required. While his parents were not particularly pleased with this development, both resolved to help him instead of hinder him. They tempted Itsuki with an invite to her peasant friend, Karin. They bribed her to stay so Tomohiro could court Itsuki.   And court her he did--as much as fighting her and fucking her could count as courtship. Not that he didn't ask her to marry him in various ways, it just always ended up in an argument. He did, eventually, convince her, but only with several stipulations about how she got to influence the running of his clan. Little did she know, the clan already was particularly good to its peasants, and most of the things she wanted from him were things he was happy to do anyway.   During this courtship period, a check on her ancestors from a shugenja revealed her relationship to Iuchi Xiang Sho, who was overly eager to meet his daughter. Through her connection to the Unicorn, they got their hands on a Unicorn midwife, and Itsuki gave birth to quadruplets with the help of the Unicorn fertility rituals.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Demisexual Dom
Hantei Kaia
Hantei Seichi (Half [Secret])
Hantei Nariko (Half [Secret])
Hantei Sachihiro (triplet)
Hantei Sukiya (triplet)
Hantei Hideo (triplet)
Unrelated Relations
Toku Aito (brother)
Toku Kimiko (sister)
Otomo Nobuko (sister)