Ionia Geographic Location in Runeterra | World Anvil

Ionia (I-oh-nee-ya)

The First Lands


  Ionia is a land of unspoiled beauty and natural magic. Its inhabitants, living in scattered settlements across this massive archipelago, are a spiritual people who seek to live in harmony and balance with the world. There are many orders and sects across Ionia, each following their own (often conflicting) paths and ideals. Self-sufficient and isolationist, Ionia has remained largely neutral in the wars that have ravaged Valoran over the centuries - until it was invaded by Noxus. This brutal conflict and occupation has forced Ionia to reassess its place in the world. How it reacts and the future path Ionia will follow is as of yet undetermined, however, animosity against Noxus has led to militarization and vigilantism. Thirst for the dark arts is on the rise.   Surrounded by treacherous seas, Ionia is composed of a number of allied provinces scattered across a massive archipelago, known to many as the First Lands. Since Ionian culture has long been shaped by the pursuit of balance in all things, the border between the material and spirit realms tends to be more permeable here, especially in the wild forests and mountains. Although these lands’ enchantments can be fickle, its creatures dangerous and fae, for many centuries most Ionians led lives of plenty. The warrior monasteries, provincial militias—and even Ionia itself—had been enough to protect them.   But that ended twelve years ago, when Noxus attacked the First Lands. The empire’s seemingly endless warhosts savaged Ionia, and were only defeated after many years, and at great cost.   Now, Ionia exists in an uneasy peace. Different reactions to the war have divided the region—some groups, such as the Shojin monks or the Kinkou, seek a return to isolationist pacifism, and pastoral traditions. Other more radical factions, such as the Navori Brotherhood and the Order of Shadow, demand a militarization of the land’s magic, to create a single, unified nation that can take vengeance on Noxus.   The fate of Ionia hangs in a delicate balance that few are willing to overturn, but all can feel shifting uneasily beneath their feet.  

Life As One

The people of Ionia’s many provinces have always seen themselves as part of the natural world, and adapted their ways to live alongside all manner of fantastical flora and fauna. To outsiders, such a close relationship may appear strange, but it is through this interdependence that both the land and its inhabitants have thrived for countless generations. Ionian architecture is characterized by a sense of natural flow and grace, aspiring to reflect the ethereal beauty of the land. Grand, open spaces ensure that one is never fully divorced from what organically existed there before.  

The Path to Enlightenment

The Ionian continent is a haven for those who seek spiritual evolution and enlightenment. Magic suffuses every part of Ionia—its people, its history, and most of all the land itself. All aspects of life there hang in a balance, with still so much left to be discovered and explored. Those who call this vast continent home strive to find harmony among the diverse races and habitats, far older than most others on Runeterra. While populated primarily by humans and vastaya, some yordles and other beings also make Ionia their home. There are many spiritual centers and schools of enlightenment in Ionia, though they might not always agree about important questions. Such pursuits leave little time for thoughts of imperialism; the Ionians have historically been extremely peaceful by nature. That does not mean, however, that they are helpless or unable to defend themselves. Though the birthplace of many specialized forms of martial arts, Ionia maintains no standing armies. Rather, the ways of battle are tied to differing philosophies, passed on with reverence and care. In the northeastern mountains, the monastery of Hirana has long been a sanctuary for those seeking to better understand their connection to the spirit realm.   It is certain Ionia has a much longer and richer history than any living soul could claim to know. Indeed, in the more remote mountain passes, the landscape is still littered with evidence of great wars from ages past—but instead of clearing the ruins, the Ionians choose to respect what remains, even if they no longer fully understand what it represents.   While it is true that harmony is sought by most in Ionia, few are so far along this path as to be considered truly enlightened beings. Their ideals are lofty, but not all can live up to them, and Ionians can be just as driven by hate, lust, anger, and love as any Runeterran. From Hirana to the Placidium of Navori, there are places of sanctuary open to those trying to better understand themselves. Situated at the heart of the continent, the Placidium is one of Ionia’s most sacred places. Many have journeyed here to study at renowned schools, or meditate in its wild, magical gardens. Undoubtedly, this was why it became such a tempting target for the invading armies of Noxus...  

Home of the Vastaya

The Vastaya's origins can be traced back to a hidden corner of Ionia. The mortals lived in harmony with nature until a race of Titans came from the skies and waged war against them. Most enlightened mortals taken the power of the spirit realm into themselves, becoming the Vastayashai'rei to defeat the Titans. Initial generations of Vastayashai'rei were deathless and held immense magical power. Deciding to live among their mortal kin, their future descendants would start mixing with mortal kin and be known as the Vastaya - a blanket classification for any number of species of chimeric creatures. Over time, the varied offshoots began to settle in different regions and naturally adopted different forms - simian, avian, even piscine - according to the creatures which most embodied their strongest characteristics.   Many Vastaya later migrated to faraway lands outside of their original home of Ionia.  

The Noxian Invasion

From its formation, the residents of Ionia preferred to pursue personal enlightenment instead of waging constant battles with other nations. The militaristic nation of Noxus saw their "weakness" as an opportunity. Noxian spies began to trade aggressively with the Ionians, traveling through provinces to study its weaknesses and identify critical targets. Not long after, the warhosts set sail for Ionia as part of the long-planned Noxian invasion.   As the central province of Ionia, the invasion began in Navori, many villages and settlements fell, thousands of Ionians died as their magical artifacts were stolen to extend the life of their crazy emperor: Borem Darkwill. The First Noxian Invasion rocked Ionia to its core. Once a unified peoples with a common lineage of peace and harmony, now a very much divided people. A land once held together by peace is now ravaged and scarred, healing from not only Noxian destruction but from its own Ionian people. A dividing line was drawn in the scarred land as Noxus slaughtered its way through Ionia: Die upholding their anscestor's ideals of peace and harmony or betray all that Ionia had stood for and take up arms against Noxus. Ionia and its people were completely shaped by Noxus' invasion. 13 years ago Ionia was a much different place and its people were a much different breed. Violence, hate, anger and grief now fill the heart of many Ionians who lost countless friends and family to war. The ideals of harmony are battered for the worse and now, only the most resolved look to uphold balance within Ionia. Gone are the days of pure heroes, even the best Ionians now can no longer claim no blood spilled.   Today, the war is over but its scars remain branded into the land and its people. Noxus still occupies parts of Ionia and many of Noxus' clashing dogma spills its way into Ionian culture. Unsire of what to do, many Ionians just wish to go back to the old ways of peace and harmony. Yet, many also believe that they must be ready for another inevitable war. Militerists factions and spiritual orders look to turn Ionia into a unified nation ready for war but at the cost of Ionia's traditions.


  • Ionia Borders

Language of Discipline

Ionia is home to many human languages & dialects, though the Zhyun dialect is the most-spoken of the Ionian dialect chain, possibly descending from the ancient Ionian language still used by Karma to chant her mantras. It's unknown if Yasuo and Irelia speaks another dialect from the same dialect chain or a completely different language.  
  • Anar - "Brother" (ɐnḗr "man")
  • Dyeda - "Daughter" (dʰugɐtḗr "suckling")
  • Erzai - "Son" (wérsēn ~ *r̩sḗn "man")
  • Emai - "Mother" (baby word)
  • Faʔir - "Father" (pɐtḗr "protector ~ provider")
  • Svasa - "Sister" (swésōr "same-blooded")
  • O-fa - "Grandfather" (also to address an elderly man)
  • O-ma - "Grandmother" (also to address an elderly woman)
  • Gaen Na Kyri Vi - Reap the winds of
  • Jya - Pain
  • Lath Rian Oune Vi - Weave the threads of.
  • Phaela - Tranquility
  • Sae Eleisa Tera Vi - Discover the meaning of
  • Saeri - Magic
  • Khada Jhin - Golden Excellence
  • Khumaia - Gatekeeper
  • Kobayashi (小林) - Small Forest (possibly from Yasuo's language)
  • Nargui - No One
  • Rakhsasum - Collector
  • Syndra - Destruction

Language of the Ancients

Apart from the human languages on Ionia, there is also the Vastayan language, one of whose various dialects is Baraashi, as spoken by Lhotlan's tribe-members Rakan and Xayah  
  • Vastaya Baraashi dialect (Lhotlan Tribe)
  • Baasi - I (future tense).
  • Eli, Ella - Love (masculine, feminine).
  • Faash - They (present tense).
  • Ighilya - Great Grandmother.
  • Iminha - Little One.
  • Mi - My.
  • Mieli, Miella - My Love (masculine, feminine).
  • Mu'takl - A slang for "Blood traitor".
  • Na - To not be.
  • Om - Magic.
  • Ouulavaash - Farewell.
  • Soura - To Gather.
  • Taitah be tervaash - Rest in peace/well.
  • Tann - Here.
  • Va'h - To be (present tense).
  • Vastaya - Vastaya (the people).
  • Vi - Wild.
  • Vi-om - Wild-magic.
Alternative Name(s)
The First Lands
Inhabiting Species
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