Enesya Province

This province of Himse while the second largest is the least densely populated and least desirable of them all. The vast majority of it is covered by a desert with few permanent landmarks, known as the Unresting Fields a place fit only for beasts, theives, and ruins.


Dry and arid, the entire region recieves little to no rainfall each year.  Only a small strip of land near Eriheiral supports any meaningful crops.  The northern wastes are home to a wide variety of predator species as well as dangerous mortals outcasts.

Natural Resources

On a whole the area has little in the way of natural resources, in fact the region has almost nothing of value to anyone. While some hunt the monsters or ruins of the desert, most are just content not avoid the region all together.


The only people crazy enough to visit the Unresting Fields are Adventurers seeking to prove themselves or archeologists seeking lost ruins.  While many might set out from Eirheiral, comparatively few ever return.
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Total Population
78,000; 2,500 Urban; 76,000 Rural
Total Area

95,000 sq. mi / 246,000 sq. km
Major Ethnic Groups

Sun Elf, Nurdian, Khizar Dwarf, Green Orc

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