Eriheiral (EE REE EHR ALL)
The last city on the edge of the the wastes, Eriheiral stands alone as the solitary elven city in all of the Enesya Province, far from the crown jewel of the province, it is instead dour, squat town built with following a military aesthetic, that alone would make it an undesirable post for any ambitious politician from Himse, but the region's lawlessness, general poverty, and distance from the capital combine to mean that a posting here is a political death sentence for a Provincial Administrator. For those of Himse's comparatively small state military, the posting is only slightly better -- a undesirable low in a long career rather then the death knell of one.
Thus Eriheiral's leadership has a long tradition of being below average and the only thing staving off heavy corruption is that the region has almost nothing of value to anyone. The town's only real economic activity is supplying and serving as a base for anyone foolish enough to venture into the Unresting Fields in search of treasure. Adventurers and archeologists are perhaps the only people that ever intend to end up in the Sand Fortress.
Eriheiral was built first as a military fort, and its genreal undesirable location meant that relatively little has been done to distance itself from that image. The city is ringed by modest sandstone walls, and exists on an flat open plan with little cover. While not the most defensible elven fortress ever made, it is more than enough for the limited military scope of the Unresting Fields.
Founding Date
397 DR
Alternative Name(s)
The Sand Fortress
Military, Base
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization