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The Broken Mast

Broken Mast Tavern
Broken Mast Tavern by Alberto Zanini
  The Broken Mast tavern is a decadent and run-down place located on the front of the water port of Shan, near the docks where the boats dock.  
**External appearance:**
  • **Torn Facade:** The facade of the tavern is worn and neglected, with chipped paint and in some places even missing. The wooden planks that make up the exterior walls show clear signs of wear and decay.
  • **Torn Sign:** A huge, hand-painted wooden sign hangs crookedly above the tavern's entrance. The sign, which depicts a broken flagpole symbolizing the restaurant's name, is discolored and partially covered in layers of dirt and mold.
  • **Unattended Lanterns:** Some unattended lanterns, with broken or missing glass, hang from the facade, offering a dim and uncertain light to the tavern during the evening hours.
  • **Internal:**
  • **Dark Atmosphere:** Once you enter, you find yourself immersed in a dark and oppressive atmosphere. The light coming from some flickering candles and oil lamps scattered around the room makes the environment even darker and more disturbing.
  • **Shabby tables:** The tables and chairs are shabby and creaky, with signs of wear and stains from unidentified liquids. Some tables may be missing legs or poorly repaired.
  • **Smoke and unpleasant odors:** The air is thick with tobacco smoke and unpleasant odors of alcohol, sweat and rotten fish coming from the port. The floor is dirty and sticky underfoot, and the sounds of conversations resonate softly against the peeling wooden walls.
  • **Colorful customers:** The Broken Mast tavern houses the worst elements of local society: deserting sailors, smugglers, shady-looking adventurers and dishonest merchants. Some of them argue loudly, while others wander around silently, eyeing others suspiciously.
  • **Chipped counter:** The bar counter is chipped and worn, with signs of cuts and dents. Behind it, bottles of low-quality liquor and jars of preserved food are arranged haphazardly on dusty shelves.
  • The Broken Mast Tavern is a place of chaos and desperation, frequented by those who prefer society's shadows and its darkest secrets. It is a haven for the marginalized and desperate, where intrigue, smuggling and violence can be found, as well as a heaping dose of alcohol and desperation.
    Alternative Names
    The Mast
    Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
    Parent Location
    Owning Organization

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