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The Honey Trap

Shan - The Honey Trap Brothel
Shan - The Honey Trap Brothel by Max Vecchio Bastardo
  “The Honey Trap” is a lively venue located in an area frequented by off-duty military personnel in Shan City. The ballroom, although poor and dilapidated, is a popular meeting place where soldiers can relax and enjoy themselves after a day of training or duty. The soldiers can pay the girls for a drink or for something else on the rooms at the upper floor.   The main room is spacious and bright, with high ceilings and walls adorned with fading decorations. In the center of the room is a large dance floor surrounded by tables and chairs for guests. The atmosphere is animated by colored lights, cheerful music and the shouting of the customers. The long and bad-stocked bar counter occupies a side wall, where an old bartender prepare cocktails and drinks for customers.   The private rooms on the opposite side offer a more intimate atmosphere for those who want a little privacy. Lit by soft lighting and furnished with comfortable sofas and heavy curtains, these rooms are the ideal place for private conversations or romantic moments.   The folklore of the venue tells of an old love story between a soldier and a beautyful dancer who performed in the venue many years ago. The dancer is said to have stolen the soldier's heart with her grace and beauty, but their relationship was hampered by the disapproval of the jealous commander of the guard. The story ends with the death of the unlucky couple and the hanging of the commander. The tragic love story has become a popular legend among patrons of "The Honey Trap", who often toast the memory of the two lovers with a glass of liquor.
Brothel / Whorehouse
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