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Our Lady of the Sea

Shan - Our Lady of the Sea, Temple of Thalassa
Shan - Our Lady of the Sea, Temple of Thalassa

**Temple of Our Lady of the Sea:**

**Architecture and Atmosphere:**
Temple of Thalassa, Queen of the Seas and Giver of Water.
  • The Temple of Our Lady of the Sea stands majestically on the banks of the river, its blue and white marble walls glistening in the sunlight.
  • The temple stairs lead directly to the river, symbolizing the deep bond of veneration of the Goddess by the Dail people, born and raised by the sea.

  • **Sacred Fountains:**
  • Two enormous amphorae placed outside the temple continuously pour crystalline and blessed water, symbol of the goddess' grace and protection towards sailors and travellers.
  • Many Shan citizens travel to the temple to collect the sacred water in their jugs and skins, believing it can bring good luck and protection to their daily lives.

  • **Ex-Voto and Offers:**
  • The interior of the temple is decorated with an infinite number of ex-votos left by sailors and travellers, silent witnesses of the graces received and the vicissitudes faced during their journeys.
  • The walls of the temple are covered with paintings and bas-reliefs depicting scenes of storms, shipwrecks and miraculous rescues, offered to the goddess as a sign of gratitude and devotion. On the columns of the temple, however, there are numerous graffiti engraved directly by the faithful.

  • **Temple Management:**
    -The temple is under the leadership of Patriarch Quesnor of Thalassa, an elderly priest, with an unkempt beard and a grim look, but highly respected who fervently dedicates himself to the service of the goddess and the care of her faithful.
  • Alongside the Patriarch, around ten priests take care of the daily activities of the temple, celebrating sacred rites, welcoming devotees and offering comfort and spiritual support to those who need it.

  • **Temple Attendees:**
  • The temple is frequented by numerous sailors, merchants and fishermen who come to pray and offer gifts to the goddess before embarking on their journeys.
  • Every day, long lines of devotees gather outside the temple, carrying offerings of flowers, candles and coins, hoping to obtain the protection and blessing of Our Lady of the Sea.

  • **Books and Sacred Objects:**
  • Inside the temple sacred books and manuscripts are preserved, containing ancient legends and teachings about the goddess and her benevolence towards those who invoke her with a sincere heart.
  • Among the sacred objects there is a silver statue depicting Our Lady of the Sea, adorned with precious gems and set on an ivory altar inlaid with marine symbols and corals.

  • **Other details:**
    -Despite her aura of sacredness and protection, some stories tell of strange shadows wandering between the columns of the temple at night, and of distant moans heard in the empty corridors.
  • Some devotees whisper that the temple hides dark secrets and mysteries hidden beneath its facade of beauty and sanctity, fueling the legends and fears of believers.
  • Patriarch
    Temple / Church
    Parent Location
    Ruling/Owning Rank
    Owning Organization

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