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Shishido Okane

Shishido died fighting the Order of the Seeking Fox.  


Shishido is a tall man with an muscular build. He has wavy black hair, brown eyes, and a well groomed beard. He typically wears the black leather armor that is worn by all of the personal guards of Eyota.  

Personal History

Shishido was born on a farm outside of Ganeshuku. Although it was unknown to anyone at the time, his mother was a Pure Soul and he inherited this condition. He was favored by Kawahara, and used her powers to aid the family farm from a young age.   When he was old enough, he left home to become a proper cleric of Kawahara and then began traveling. His journeys brought him west, where he eventually became a member of a caravan company that transported supplies throughout the Western Province. The job was dangerous because of the number of Pannoowan raiders, and he was forced to fight and even kill on many occasions. It was only after years of this work that he learned the people running the caravan company were often stealing the supplies they transported from the Pannowan people. Shishido was disgusted with himself for having killed so many people that were only trying to reclaim what was theirs. For months he fell into a depression and gave up helping others and his faith in Kawahara.   In S308, Naoki Naoko found him in this state and over time helped to break him out of it. The pair began to travel throughout the west and help whoever they could. Naoki wrote several poems and ballads to immortalize their feats. Shishido began to grow frustrated though, and felt like they were treating symptoms instead of the root causes.   In S314, while in a town called Green Side, Shishido began working with a group of shady individuals who advocated for more radical actions. Naoki tried to talk him out of it, but Shishido went along with their plan anyway. One night the group dragged all of the towns public officials and wealthy families from their homes and publically executed them. Naoki decided that he could not continue this path with Shishido, and left to find new adventures on his own.   Shishido stayed in Green Side and continued to work with the group which he learned was actually the Tunsheian. As the son of Ena, he was also favored by Hamamoto and accepted her powers over those he used to wield for Kawahara. He helped the Wide Eyes Family rise to prominence as the new traders and overseers of the town. He was given a position of trust as the head of security for Eyota Wide Eyes. Under the leadership of the family the common people of Green Side benefited, and Shishido became more convinced that radical actions could lead to positive outcomes in the long term.   After the Harborquake in Nanganato, the Tunsheian began collecting pieces of the Gauntlet of the Arcane Key to destroy it. While looking for pieces, Shishido crossed paths with Motarasu and learned about his plans to destory Nanganato with a Mind's Eye. Shishido did not hold a petty grudge with the city, like Motarasu did, but he saw value in the destruction for other reasons. Nanganato was the heart of Shudan's old culture, where arcane magic and power hold prominence over everything else. Destroying it would be a large step toward eliminating the veneration of magic from Shudan and putting more people on an even level.   Shishido used members of the Tunsheian to usurp Motarasu's plan and began to unleash the Mind's Eye himself. The Order of the Seeking Fox, along with his old friend Naoki, disagreed with the plan and stepped up to stop him. In the battle many members of the Tunsheian, including Shishido himself, were killed.


Sozen Okane

Older Brother

Towards Shishido Okane


Shishido Okane

Younger Brother

Towards Sozen Okane


Shishido Okane

Older Brother

Towards Shinobu Okane


Shinobu Okane

Younger Sister

Towards Shishido Okane


Shishido Okane

Older Brother

Towards Shosuke Okane


Shosuke Okane

Younger Brother

Towards Shishido Okane


Shishido Okane

Older Brother

Towards Enko Okane


Enko Okane

Younger Sister

Towards Shishido Okane


Shishido Okane

Older Brother

Towards Emao Okane


Emao Okane

Younger Sister

Towards Shishido Okane


Shishido Okane

Older Brother

Towards Eisuke Okane


Eisuke Okane

Younger Brother

Towards Shishido Okane


Shishido Okane

Older Brother

Towards Emiri Okane


Emiri Okane

Younger Sister

Towards Shishido Okane


Date of Birth
Date of Death
13th of the Moon of Sewing, S317
537 573 36 years old
Sozen Okane (Older Brother)
Shinobu Okane (Younger Sister)
Shosuke Okane (Younger Brother)
Enko Okane (Younger Sister)
Emao Okane (Younger Sister)
Eisuke Okane (Younger Brother)
Emiri Okane (Younger Sister)


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