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Emiri Okane

Emiri is a sorcerer studying under Rhea Firelocs at Sukorak. As a part of her studies, she is frequently sent on extended trips away from Sukorark. Currently she is on one such trip, looking for Yuhara Morninglight somewhere in the Jade Empire.  

Personal History

Early Years

Emiri was born on the first day of the Moon of Sewing, during the New Life Festival. Among her farming community outside of Ganeshuku this would normally be a sign of great blessings and prosperity. That year, however, it was overshadowed by a terrible storm that destroyed crops, damaged homes, and even ripped trees from their roots. As a further ill omen, Emiri's mother passed away less than an hour after her birth. Within the community, Emiri was viewed as a cursed child.   Emiri had 6 living older siblings, many of whom were already old enough to be working on the family farm or starting their own families by the time Emiri was old enough to remember anything. As such, she was closer to Eisuke and Enko than the others. She quickly learned that her place was to be quiet and useful as much as possible, but she did no enjoy farm work and longed for more in life.   Her only means of escape came in the form of books, and she did what she could to get ahold of new ones whenever possible. Any book was nice, but her favorites did not include fairy tales or made up stories. She wanted real knowledge about the world and everything in it. Her father didn't approve much of how Emiri spent her limited money or free time.   When Emiri was 13, after becoming engrossed in a book about the history of the Jade Empire one evening, she accidentally let the family dinner burn while it was cooking. Her father took the book away and tried to throw it into the fire. Emiri's fear and anger manifested in a sudden outburst of arcane thunder and wind that destroyed the kitchen and injured her father. It was the kind of damage that a poor farming family could not afford to repair. Her status as a cursed child was only deepened by the incident.   Seeking a way to repair the house, and offload his problematic daughter, Emiri's father made a deal with a group of sailors. She would work for them for several years, putting wind in the sails and protecting them from storms, and in exchange they would pay the family a large sum. Half of the payment now, and the other half after the completion of her work. The young Emiri, not eager to be sold into indentured servitude, stole the initial payment and fled to Dokage instead.   While there she sought out Rhea Firelocs and became a student of hers at Sukorak. As someone with innate arcane abilities, Emiri's magic worked differently from the others there. She was a naturally gifted student though, and quickly stood out among her peers. In time she became Rhea's number one apprentice.  

Involvement with the Seeking Fox

In S316 Emiri travelled to Nanganato, the last known location of Yuhara Morninglight. After learning that Yuhara used to rent property from Hozumi Amaya, Emiri decided to visit Haven to speak with Hozumi's daughter Aiko to see if they had any idea where Yuhara might have gone next. While at Haven, Emiri was accidentally caught up in Naoki Naoko impersonating the Crimson Dawn and ended up helping him and three others clear dangerous creatures out of some caverns underneath the city.   After returning to Haven again, Emiri learned the Aiko was actually on her way to Iron Home but had become injured during the trip and was staying in Ganeshuku to recover. Emiri agreed to travel with Naoki and the group, who were on their way to Iron Home to do more work for The Cord. Before leaving Nanganato, Emiri and two of the group, Number 27 and Xiaohuli, had a chance to speak with Eledric Kina who warned them that Ganeshuku was unsafe for Lifeforged right now because of a mysterious recent incident.   On the way to Iron Home, the group stopped in Ganeshuku briefly. They kept Number 27 in disguise and away from prying eyes the whole time. While there, Emiri was able to speak to Aiko. She was surprised to learn that Aiko was not injured, but was actually taking care of some unexpected business in the city. Aiko informed Emiri that Yuhara had mentioned "the elf with apples" but otherwise had no idea where she might have gone.   Emiri was also curious about the mysterious incident, and asked the Atsutane Clan in the city, but they down played it and acted like nothing important had happened. It seemed like a lot of miscomunication was going around, though it wasn't clear if it was accidental or intentional. Only months later did Emiri learn that the incident, which many called the Lifeforged Riot, had resulted in the deaths of all but a small number of the Lifeforged.   When the group finally reached Iron Home they carried out their task for the Cord and eventually joined up as an official order, calling themselves the Order of the Seeking Fox. The group also completed other tasks around town to help the villagers and met an elf named Ran Esumi who ran Esumi Orchards. Ran confessed to having met Yuhara nine years prior, who had asked him to deliver two messages if anyone from Sukorak came looking.
  1. "Finish the key first, then seek me out."
  2. "Protect the ones that don't sleep, only they can clear the air."
  Over the next half of a year, Emiri traveled on and off with the Seeking Fox. Together they defeated Yumia Southwind and captured her brother Kozue. They rescued victims of the Southwind siblings, the remains of the original Order of the Black Cat. Underneath Koba's Point, where the Black Cat operated, they explored the library and workshop of Koba Claycrafter where the Lifeforged seemed to have been created.   Emiri believed the "ones that don't sleep" which Yuhara had referenced, where the Lifeforged. She considered it crucial to learn as much as she could about them, in the hopes of learning to repair any of the survivors or possibly create more. At the same time, the rest of the Seeking Fox continued to collect pieces of the Gauntlet of the Arcane Key, seemingly completing the other bit of guidance Yuhara had left behind. While Emiri studied at Koba's Point, she also kept in communication with the Seeking Fox as much as possible. Especially after her older brother Eisuke Okane started traveling with them.   After they completed and subsequently destroyed the gauntlet, Emiri realized she couldn't keep delaying her search for Yuhara. She met up with the Seeking Fox again to celebrate their victory and enjoy the company of her friends. Although several of them split up to various goals, Emiri traveled with Xiao to Dokage. After introducing Xiao to Rhea, and helping her get started with lessons, Emiri finally departed to resume her search.  

Searching for Yuhara



Sozen Okane

Older Brother

Towards Emiri Okane


Emiri Okane

Younger Sister

Towards Sozen Okane


Shishido Okane

Older Brother

Towards Emiri Okane


Emiri Okane

Younger Sister

Towards Shishido Okane


Shinobu Okane

Older Sister

Towards Emiri Okane


Emiri Okane

Younger Sister

Towards Shinobu Okane


Shosuke Okane

Older Brother

Towards Emiri Okane


Emiri Okane

Younger Sister

Towards Shosuke Okane


Enko Okane

Older Sister

Towards Emiri Okane


Emiri Okane

Younger Sister

Towards Enko Okane


Emao Okane

Older Sister

Towards Emiri Okane


Emiri Okane

Younger Sister

Towards Emao Okane


Eisuke Okane

Older Brother

Towards Emiri Okane


Emiri Okane

Younger Sister

Towards Eisuke Okane


Date of Birth
1st of the Moon of Sewing, S300
Year of Birth
556 18 Years old
Sozen Okane (Older Brother)
Shishido Okane (Older Brother)
Shinobu Okane (Older Sister)
Shosuke Okane (Older Brother)
Enko Okane (Older Sister)
Emao Okane (Older Sister)
Eisuke Okane (Older Brother)
Rhea Firelocs


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