The Inner Circle

Operating largely in secret, the Inner Circle is the ruling body of the Camarilla. It is made up of representatives, usually the eldest and most powerful members, from each of the seven clans that make up the Camarilla. They work behind the scenes to manage inter-clan conflicts, defend against external threats, and ensure the stability and unity of Kindred society.

The Inner Circle's primary responsibility is to uphold and enforce the Camarilla's key principles: the Six Traditions and the Masquerade, However, the Inner Circle's agenda is often concealed, even from other members of the Camarilla or between themselves.


As the highest decision-making body within the Camarilla, the Inner Circle significantly influences the direction of the organization.

  • The Inner Circle: This group comprises the eldest and most powerful members of the seven Camarilla clans. They meet once every 13 years at the Great Conclave, and their decisions shape the policies and the direction of the entire organization.
  • Justicars: These are the top enforcers of the Camarilla, appointed by the Inner Circle. Each of the seven clans has one Justicar, who can travel wherever necessary to enforce the Traditions and other laws of the Camarilla. Their word is law, and their actions are only answerable to the Inner Circle. Justicars have the power to call a Conclave of the local Kindred, where they can render judgments or set policy.
  • Archons: Archons serve the Justicars as deputies, hands, and eyes. They carry out investigations, enforce the laws of the Camarilla, and back up the authority of Princes and other leaders on behalf of the Justicars. Some Archons work for their clan's Justicar, but others might serve a Justicar of a different clan.
  • Red Alastors: These are a special kind of Archons. They serve under the powerful and ancient Malkavian Justicar, known as the "Mad Justicar." The Red Alastors are hunters that seek to find and destroy the Kindred known as the "Anathema," individuals who are seen as threats to the very existence of the Camarilla.
  • Warlord: This is a rarely invoked position, typically only appointed in times of open warfare. The Warlord is given sweeping powers to coordinate the Camarilla's forces and resources against its enemies. While theoretically limited in duration and scope, the role's powers can be abused, leading to its infrequent use.
This global structure enforces the will of the Camarilla across the world, helping to maintain the The Masquerade and uphold the balance of power among the Kindred.


The Inner Circle holds a "Great Conclave," which takes place every thirteen years. During the conclave, the Inner Circle appoints a Justicar for each of the seven clans, as necessary. They also discuss the current state of Kindred affairs worldwide, addressing threats and ensuring proper governance of vampire society across the world.

The Inner Circle is vigilant about threats from the anarchic Sabbat, the rival sect to the Camarilla, as well as other threats like the independent clans, hunters, or entities that endanger Kindred society and the Masquerade.

The members of the Inner Circle often have their own individual agendas and power games, and part of their activities involve political maneuvering and attempts to influence the course of Kindred society in ways that favor their own clans or personal interests.

Public Agenda

To maintain unity and stability within Kindred  society by managing inter-clan conflicts and keeping the peace within the Camarilla  while defending against external threats.

Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Inner Seven
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species

Cover image: Shadows of Eschaton by Danny Oliver


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