DEA Agent

Enforcing Drug Laws and Safeguarding Public Health

The DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) Agent is a highly trained law enforcement professional tasked with combating drug trafficking, enforcing drug laws, and safeguarding public health. These agents play a vital role in disrupting illicit drug networks, protecting communities, and ensuring the integrity of the legal pharmaceutical industry.
Prerequisites: Law School, Strength 7+, Constitution 7+, No Prison Record

First Term:

Investigation 2
Interrogation 2
Slug Weapons 3 (Pistol)
Streetwise 2
Unarmed Martial Arts 1
Pulling Strings: Arrest Powers, Fingerprinting

Subsequent Terms:

Computer Operation
Slug Weapons (Pistol or Riflie)
Unarmed Martial Arts
Pulling Strings:One of the following: Asset Forfeiture, Laboratory/Workshop or SWAT

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Government or Criminal. On a 1D10 roll of 8+, this contact is foreign.
Promotion: 6+, +1 if EDU 7+
Resource Points: 2 per Term +1 if Promotion Rolled
Influence Type: Law Enforcement
Special: If more than one term is served, add +1 to Initiative

Special Adventure:

--A matter of National Security--
On a 1D10 roll of 6+
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Counterculture Friends, Intel File, Mobility, Random Surveillance or Stopping Investigations
Influence Type: Intelligence  

Impact and Importance:

  DEA Agents disrupt drug trafficking organizations, reducing the availability of illicit drugs in communities, and preventing their distribution to vulnerable populations. Their efforts contribute to reducing drug-related violence, addiction rates, and the associated social and health consequences.
  Agents intercept drug shipments, seize narcotics, and dismantle smuggling operations. By targeting drug transportation networks and interdicting illicit drugs, they disrupt the supply chain, making it harder for drug traffickers to profit from their illegal activities.
  Agents investigate money laundering, asset forfeiture, and other financial crimes associated with drug trafficking. By following the money trail, they dismantle the economic infrastructure supporting drug organizations and deprive them of their ill-gotten gains.
  DEA Agents collaborate with international partners to combat drug trafficking networks operating across borders. Their work strengthens global drug control efforts, enhances intelligence sharing, and contributes to international stability and security.
  DEA Agents embody the commitment to combat drug trafficking, safeguard public health, and protect communities from the devastating impact of illicit drugs. Through their relentless efforts, investigative skills, and collaboration, they strive to create a safer and healthier society for all.

Key Characteristics:

  • Investigative Expertise: DEA Agents possess exceptional investigative skills, enabling them to uncover and dismantle complex drug trafficking organizations. They employ sophisticated techniques, including surveillance, undercover operations, and intelligence gathering, to gather evidence and build strong cases against drug offenders.
  • Enforcement of Drug Laws: Agents enforce federal drug laws, targeting the production, distribution, and sale of illicit drugs. They work in collaboration with local, state, and international law enforcement agencies to disrupt drug trafficking networks and apprehend key individuals involved in drug-related criminal activities.
  • Intelligence and Analysis: DEA Agents analyze drug-related intelligence and trends to identify emerging threats, anticipate shifts in drug trafficking patterns, and develop effective strategies to combat drug smuggling and distribution. Their analytical insights support proactive enforcement actions.
  • Covert Operations: Agents conduct covert operations to infiltrate drug organizations, gather intelligence, and gather evidence. They work undercover, often assuming false identities, to gain the trust of criminals involved in drug trafficking activities, gather critical information, and secure convictions.
  • International Collaboration: DEA Agents collaborate with foreign counterparts to combat transnational drug trafficking networks. They exchange intelligence, coordinate operations, and facilitate joint investigations to disrupt the global flow of illicit drugs and apprehend high-level drug traffickers.
  • Public Awareness and Education: Agents participate in community outreach initiatives to raise awareness about the dangers of drug abuse and promote prevention efforts. They engage with schools, community organizations, and healthcare professionals to educate the public about the consequences of drug use and provide resources for addiction treatment.


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