
Exploring the Frontiers of Knowledge

The scientist profession encompasses individuals dedicated to the pursuit of scientific inquiry, research, and discovery. Scientists apply systematic methods to investigate the natural world, unravel mysteries, and expand our understanding of various fields of study.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 7+ or Doctorate in any physical science.

First Term:

Commission: Without a Doctorate the character is a Technician.
(Doctor) Language 2
(Doctor) Physical Science: 6 divided among Biology, Chemistry, Farming, Genetics, Geology, Meteorology, Physics, Robotics
(Doctor) Research 2
(Technician) Computer Operation 2
(Technician) Electronics 2
(Technician) Observation 2
(Technician) Physical Science: 2 divided among Biology, Chemistry, Farming, Genetics, Geology, Meteorology, Physics, Robotics
(Technician) Research 2
Pulling Strings: Laboratory/Workshop, (Doctors) Funding (1 Rank)

Subsequent Terms:

Physical Science: Biology, Chemistry, Farming, Genetics, Geology, Meteorology, Physics, Robotics
(Doctor) Language
(Doctor) Leadership
(Doctor) Willpower
(Technician) Computer Operation
(Technician) Electronics
(Technician) Machinist
(Technician) Mechanic
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Chemical Stores, DNA Database, Funding (1 Rank (+1 Rank if Doctor), Grants or Library

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Government or Specialist (Scientist: any Physical Science) On a d10 roll of 8+ the contact is foreign. br] Promotion: 7+, +1 if INT 7+
Resource Points: Officer) 1 per Term , +1 if Doctor, +1 if Promotion Rolled
Influence Type: Science and Research
Other Effects: Two secondary activities allowed per term

Special Adventure:

--Recruited for Project Starguard R&D--
On a 1D10 roll of 7+ (+1 for each Pass)
Energy Weapons (Pistol or Rifle)
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Alien Technology, Ranch Analysis
Profession: Starguard  

Impact and Importance:

  Scientists contribute to the growth of human knowledge, pushing the boundaries of understanding in their respective fields. Their discoveries lead to new insights, theories, and technologies that shape our understanding of the universe and drive progress across various sectors. Scientific research fuels technological advancements, leading to breakthroughs in areas such as medicine, energy, communication, and transportation. Scientists' work forms the foundation for innovation, leading to the development of life-saving treatments, sustainable solutions, and transformative technologies.
  Scientists provide evidence-based information that informs policy decisions, societal debates, and public understanding of critical issues. Their expertise is instrumental in addressing global challenges, climate change, public health crises, and other complex problems.
  Scientific discoveries and advancements directly contribute to improving the quality of human life. From medical breakthroughs to agricultural innovations, scientists develop solutions that enhance health, increase food production, mitigate environmental impact, and address societal needs.
  Scientists often collaborate across borders, cultures, and institutions to tackle complex challenges that transcend national boundaries. Global scientific collaborations promote cooperation, cultural exchange, and collective efforts to address pressing global issues.
  Scientists play a vital role in shaping the future by expanding our knowledge, driving innovation, and addressing pressing societal challenges. Through their relentless pursuit of truth and understanding, they unlock the mysteries of the universe and pave the way for a more informed and enlightened world.

Key Characteristics:

  1. Curiosity and Inquisitiveness: Scientists possess an inherent curiosity and a deep desire to explore the unknown. They ask questions, seek explanations, and relentlessly pursue answers, driving their passion for discovery.
  2. Rigorous Methodology: Scientists employ a rigorous and systematic approach to their work, using scientific methodologies to gather data, conduct experiments, analyze results, and draw evidence-based conclusions. They ensure their findings are objective, reliable, and reproducible.
  3. Specialized Knowledge and Expertise: Scientists specialize in specific fields, such as physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, or other disciplines. They acquire in-depth knowledge and expertise in their chosen area, allowing them to contribute to the advancement of their respective fields.
  4. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Scientists possess strong critical thinking skills, enabling them to evaluate complex problems, develop hypotheses, design experiments, and interpret results. They employ logical reasoning and analytical thinking to address scientific challenges and overcome obstacles.
  5. Continuous Learning and Adaptability: Scientists embrace a lifelong learning mindset, staying abreast of the latest research, technological advancements, and breakthroughs in their field. They adapt to new methodologies, techniques, and theories, ensuring their work remains at the forefront of scientific progress.
  6. Collaboration and Communication: Scientists often collaborate with colleagues, forming research teams, participating in interdisciplinary projects, and sharing knowledge. They communicate their findings through publications, conferences, and other scientific forums to foster collaboration, peer review, and the dissemination of scientific knowledge.


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