US Army - Elite Forces Officer

Vanguard of Specialized Warfare and Extraordinary Leadership

The United States Army Elite Forces Officer represents the epitome of leadership within the elite forces of the Army. These officers are entrusted with commanding and guiding highly specialized and skilled soldiers in unconventional warfare, counterterrorism, and special operations. They embody the highest standards of excellence, courage, and strategic thinking.


Basic Training:

Prerequisites: Strength + Constitution + Agility = 15+, and OCS, Military Academy, or commission.
The character receives the following skills as a part of his basic training:
Slug Weapons (Rifle) 2
Stealth 1
Thrown Weapon 1
Unarmed Martial Arts 2

First Term:

Leadership 2
Navigation 1
Slug Weapons 1 (cascade: Slug Pistol, Slug Rifle)
Thrown Weapon
Unarmed Martial Arts 2
Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Funding (1 Rank)

Subsequent Terms:

Armed Martial Arts (cascade: Large Blade, Small Blade, Polearm, Club)
Computer Operation
Slug Weapons (cascade: Slug Pistol, Slug Rifle)
Plus 2 Levels From the Following List:
Heavy Guns
Large Watercraft
Small Watercraft
Thrown Weapon
Vehicle Use (cascade: Wheeled Vehicle, Tracked Vehicle)
Pulling Strings: Funding (1 Rank) and One of the Following: Funding (1 Rank) Military Training Facility, Dangerous Toxins, Dangerous Virus or DARPA Labs, NGA Support, NMID Support, Mobility, Satellite Surveillance: Communications, Satellite Surveillance: Intelligence

All Terms:

Contacts: Two Per term: Military On a ID10 roll of 7+, the contact is foreign.
Resource Points: 2 per Term
Influence Type: Military  

Impact and Importance:

  Elite Forces Officers lead and oversee unconventional warfare operations, enabling the Army to operate in denied areas and counter asymmetric threats. They train and advise partner forces, organize indigenous resistance, and conduct unconventional operations to achieve strategic objectives.
  Officers in Elite Forces play a critical role in countering terrorist organizations and conducting special operations. They lead teams in high-risk missions such as direct action, special reconnaissance, hostage rescue, and targeted operations against high-value targets.
  Elite Forces Officers provide strategic advice and insights to senior leaders, shaping policy and guiding the Army's future direction in specialized warfare. Their expertise and perspectives influence decision-making at the highest levels of military command.
  United States Army Elite Forces Officers embody the pinnacle of leadership and excellence in specialized warfare. Through their exceptional leadership, specialized expertise, and strategic acumen, they contribute to the nation's defense, protect national interests, and preserve global stability.

Key Characteristics:

  • Exceptional Leadership: Elite Forces Officers demonstrate exceptional leadership skills, inspiring and motivating their teams to perform at the highest level. They lead by example, instilling a sense of trust, camaraderie, and unwavering dedication to mission success.
  • Specialized Expertise: Officers in Elite Forces possess specialized expertise in unconventional warfare, special reconnaissance, counterterrorism, and other specialized areas. They undergo extensive training and development, honing their skills in areas such as advanced tactics, intelligence gathering, and mission planning.
  • Tactical and Strategic Acumen: Elite Forces Officers possess a keen understanding of tactical and strategic operations. They are adept at analyzing complex environments, devising innovative strategies, and making critical decisions under intense pressure.
  • Physical and Mental Resilience: Officers in Elite Forces exhibit exceptional physical and mental resilience. They endure rigorous training, operate in high-stress environments, and overcome adversity with determination and fortitude.
  • Interagency Collaboration: Elite Forces Officers excel in interagency collaboration, working closely with other military branches, intelligence agencies, and partner nations. They foster relationships, coordinate joint operations, and integrate diverse capabilities to achieve mission objectives.
  • Adaptability and Flexibility: Elite Forces Officers thrive in dynamic and fluid operational environments. They adapt to rapidly changing circumstances, adjust plans on the fly, and exploit opportunities while mitigating risks.


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