Enlightenment District

The second tier of Redwall Citadel contains the Enlightenment District. Named so because it contains both the renowned Illiard University and two of the three temples of the Gazel MinistryMorning Star Abbey and the Cloister of Knowledge.


Many sages, scholars, priests, and students congregate in the Enlightenment district. Notably is the contingent of dwarven wizards who study at Illiard University.   This district is also home to many residences of lesser nobles who do not have enough influence, money, or both to live in the Noble's District.

Guilds and Factions

Many members of the Gazel Ministry can be found in the Enlightenment Ward thanks to the presence of the Khir-Adun's Cloister of Knowledge and the Tandun's Morning Star Abbey.

Articles under Enlightenment District