Noble's District

The crown of Redwall Citadel, the Noble's District sits at the top of the city, overlooking the districts below it and the Veldt beyond.


Only the wealthiest and most influential members of society call this place home. The Duke and his family reside behind the walls of the Citadel at the western-most point of the city and the estates of major noble houses cluster around it as if clamouring for attention.


The Noble's District contains the residence and formal office of the Viceroy in Redwall. The position is currently filled by Edward Blackmoor but if rumors are to be believed, he would much rather spend his days with a bottle of wine than tend to matters of state.


There are few buildings in the Noble's Ward that are not private residences. Of those buildings two are embassies: one for the dwarves of Southlund and one for the Luril elves. Both are frequently empty but for different reasons.
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