Tomb of Annihilation - Session 13

General Summary

The group emerges from the hilltop Temple of Zann under a twilight sky. Wet cobblestones and puddles of water attest to recent rain. As lightning flashes in the clouds above, Ixtli hears an inner voice: "The roof of the temple. We're being watched." At the same time, Dunch and Chibuzo notice two cloaked figures peering down on them. Seeing themselves spotted, the figures leap down to the street and dash off to the south.

The adventurers set off in pursuit as the wind picks up. After Dolan casts Haste on Ixtli, the Anasazi quickly closes with the red-cloaked spy, a female tabaxi with an eye patch. He tries to grapple her but she slips free, following her blue-cloaked tabaxi companion in vaulting over the side of the bridge that connects Temple Hill and Throne Hill. The pair drop onto the roof of the building beneath, splitting up when they reach the ground. Ndidi, in hot pursuit, jumps from the bridge after them but slips on a wet tile, rolling off the roof to land heavily on the cobblestones. Ixtli similarly stumbles, falling next to Ndidi, then pursuing the red-cloaked tabaxi once he recovers.

Following some distance behind, Dolan is momentarily halted when a wind-blown blanket, perhaps someone's errant laundry, strikes him in the face. He abandons the chase and returns to the Temple of Zann, looking for any clues the spies may have left behind.

The other party members have better luck. Dunch dodges an old woman and her pair of pet camposaurs, then jumps off the bridge and down from the roof, landing on his feet in the street below and setting off after Ixtli. Ndidi follows, then overtakes him. Chibuzo also makes it down from the bridge without incident and heads in pursuit of the blue-cloaked spy.

Ixtli's quarry leads him down a street of shops selling dock and shipping supplies. He finally comes to grips with her again near the entrance to the Grand Souk, but after thrashing about, she breaks free once more, plunging through the crowd and straight-arming a well-dressed woman in the face en route to the market entrance. She runs through the empty tables and chairs in front of a closing food stall, but Ixtli keeps pace, leaping over a table to seize her for the third time. "Stop running", he hisses through clenched teeth.

With his feline agility, the blue-cloaked tabaxi quickly disappears from Chibuzo's sight. The chase leads the ranger through a backyard, where he knocks over a chicken coop in his headlong rush but finds a scrap of blue cloak that persuades him to continue his pursuit. He runs down another street, past fencing and debris from a collapsed hillside near the city walls, but finds no further sign of the spy. He jogs back to rejoin the others.

Back at the Temple of Zann, Dolan persuades an acolyte to let him up on the roof, but finds nothing of interest. He asks the Temple guards to keep an eye out for other spies in the future.

As Ndidi approaches the Grand Souk, the crowd begins to panic at the sight of the leopard, but Dunch quickly catches up and the great cat falls into step alongside him. The pair nonchalantly enter the market and join Ixtli and his captive.

"Who are you?" the monk demands. "Why were you watching us?"

"River Mist," she answers. "Me and my brother Flask-of-Wine were paid by Sayid al-Qaar to keep on eye on the merchant prince's house." She hasn't seen Sayid in three weeks, she continues, but usually reports to Lumusi, the seneschal at Rashaad al-Tahir's villa in Port Nyanzaru. She refuses to say more.

Two of the Souk's guards approach but Chibuzo arrives shortly thereafter, and they defer to the scion of one of the seven Merchant Princes. He asks the tabaxi how much Sayid is paying her, and laughs at her answer: three gold pieces per day. He offers her 50 gold if she reports nothing; if Sayid contacts her, and she informs Chibuzo, he'll pay another 50 gold. "We have a deal, my lord," River Mist answers, and takes the money.

Two more guards approach, escorting the same woman River Mist struck earlier. She points at the tabaxi: "that's the one! She's the one who struck me!" The woman's bruised nose and the blood on her expensive gown provide physical evidence of the assault.

Chibuzo rushes to smooth things over. "This has been a horrible misunderstanding," he assures her, casting a healing spell on her nose. Somewhat mollified, the woman nonetheless demands a new gown as compensation, and Chibuzo tells her to come by the O'tamu residence tomorrow to be taken care of. He disperses the guards with a few words, and utters a final command to River Mist: "Remember our deal. You know where to find me. If I'm not there, report to my brother Gero."

The party returns to the O'tamu villa, where the household gives a warm welcome to Chibuzo and Gero. After putting General Voss to bed in a guest room, and ensuring Sophia has something to eat from the kitchens, the four adventurers and Gero go to the sauna to relax and recover.

Their rest in the hot steam is interrupted when Wakanga arrives, a stern look on his face. "We need to talk," he tells his sons. "Yes, we do, father," Chibuzo answers. "Will there be food?" Dunch asks hopefully. Wakanga gives no answer, turning on his heel and walking away.

After getting dressed, the group finds him in the dining hall, sitting at the table with hands folded. He invites Dolan, Dunch, and Ixtli to sit, then rises to inspect Gero and Chibuzo. Finally he embraces them. "So good you're home safe," he says, "but how are you here? You must tell me."

The servants bring food, and Chibuzo and Gero relate the tale of their journey: the trip up the Soshentar, the destroyed Camp Righteous, the arrival at Mbala, the Tomb of the Sky Kings, Sayid's attack and the murder of most of the expedition, the final trip to Orolunga, the encounters with Rashaad and Saja N'baza, and the spies that they just met a few hours ago. Chibuzo explains the symbol now adorning his forehead: "The Kimbala are the only way to restore Marakuru to glory. And Saja N'baza is the one to lead us."

"You're so much like your grandfather," Wakanga tells him. "Hopeful and impulsive. More than ever, I can tell you are destined for great things."

Regarding Shago, Wakanga tells them that he was the only son of one of his fellow Merchant Princes, Zanthi Tadala, who was always suspicious of Rashaad. He suspects that she may have wanted her son to serve with Rashaad in order to spy on him.

Despite his sons' testimony, Wakanga still has trouble believing Rashaad capable of such villainy. Moving against him will be difficult. The Nizamish is well-known and respected, with many friends among the Merchant Princes, as well as being a powerful spellcaster.

He has heard tell of fey creatures such as the hag Nanny Pu'pu. When they ask if there are enchantments that could prevent her from scrying on them, he refers them to an associate of his, the dwarf Musharib, who resides in the Market Ward. For them, Wakanga will waive his usual fee on transactions in magical goods.

As for the Death Curse, he suggests that they visit the Temple of the Maker and consult with the Asturian templar, Nera Blacktyde, who has been researching it.

The conflict with Rashaad, and the spies on his home, make him concerned for Chibuzo's well-being—but also for the household servants, and the family's reputation. He declares that he would like the adventurers to reside elsewhere, in Nkansu House, another family property located in the Market Ward. For his part, Gero will remain in the family villa. He looks forward to getting back to his library: "fighting to the death in the jungle is not my place." The guards Osogo and Manu will accompany them to Nkansu House, however, as will Mokomoko.

After dinner, Wakanga speaks privately to Chibuzo regarding the encounter with his grandfather Atsu's spirit in the Tomb of the Sky Kings. "If you have the opportunity to speak with your grandfather again," Wakanga says, "he would be interested to know that you have sworn yourself to the Oracle." He tells his son to remove the wrapping on the haft of Atsu's Lance. Doing so reveals the engraved symbol of the Kimbala.

The next day, after relocating to Nkansu House, they head to the Temple of the Maker, located in Malar's Throat—the slums of Port Nyanzaru, outside the city walls. The simple two-story stone structure rises above the surrounding buildings, with well-fortified windows and doors in case of undead attack.

Inside the temple, a few parishioners sit praying in the pews. After the group asks to speak to Nera Blacktyde, an acolyte leads them through a door behind the altar to a sitting room where they find the templar and an older Asturian gentlemen she introduces as Father Orwen Baelish. They recognize the name from the note they found on the body of Andren Hardy, floating in the pool at the Mumbulumba Falls.

Nera is surprised to see them, then dismayed as they relate their tale of the fate of the expedition and the destruction of Camp Righteous. She readily agrees for General Voss and Sophia to be brought to the Temple to recover. The party gives to her Stanton's journal, Andren's note, and the symbols of the Maker that they recovered from the bodies of the fallen, and returns the letter that they were to deliver to Camp Righteous. She takes the last with a sad smile. The letter was to let Stanton know of reinforcements on the way from Asturia, arriving two or three weeks from now.

On hearing of the lack of defences at the Camp, she shakes her head at Stanton's folly. She doesn't know what will happen now; the High Templar will have to decide the next steps when she arrives.

Their conversation turns to the Death Curse. She agrees with Chibuzo that it is worsening. She has been investigating with Father Baelish and Father Elian, a member of the Khir-Adun. Based on the frequency with which the dead rise again, the Curse is strengthening every 36 days, in alignment with the cycle of Kahal, the White Moon. But they have found no clue as to the cause.

She listens with intense interest as the party relates what they learned from Saja N'baza regarding the Death Curse, Ras Nsi, and his supposed location in the city of Omu, showing her where the city is said to be located. After considering briefly, she takes them into her confidence. In addition to Camp Righteous on the river Soshenstar, and Camp Virtuous on the river Tyriki, the Azrinath have a third camp in Marakuru, as yet unknown to the Merchant Princes of Port Nyanzaru: Camp Forbearance, on a bay in the southwest part of the continent, not too distant from Omu. "If this Ras Nsi is responsible for the Death Curse," she says, "the Gazel Ministry will take steps to address that." It could be that the reinforcements will be sent there, and that scouts will be sent to investigate Omu. Given the unknown strength and capabilities of Ras Nsi, however, any investigation will be cautious. Dunch suggests that, if it's within their power, scrying on one of the abductees such as Bellin might provide some information.

General Voss and Sophia are brought to the Temple from the O'tamu villa, and the party bids their farewells. Before they depart, Sophia calls Dunch over to her. "After the others were taken," she relates, "I found this in Waka's tent. I thought you should have it." She hands him a totem much like his own, but bearing an eagle's feather instead of a wolf's tooth.

The party's next stop is the Grand Souk, where they exchange some of the gold ingots and gems they found on their journey for more liquid currency. As they pass among the stalls, an older woman approaches Dolan and Chibuzo. "All are one," she tells them, and makes the sign of the Kimbala with her left hand: the shape of a snake over the heart. "The Kimbala have returned," Dolan answers her. "All are one," Chibuzo agrees, "let everyone know." She smiles, and asks, "but what of the shrine?" "It shall rise again," Chibuzo responds. She nods: "I will keep watch."

Finally they travel to Musharib's home, a low, squat building with a massive central chimney billowing smoke. A pull on the door chain summons a three-foot-tall automaton that leads them into the house and down a ramp that spirals around the chimney. At the bottom is a multi-room workshop, where a white-haired and -bearded albino dwarf in a workman's smock greets them.

They relate their tale of Nanny Pu'pu, and he shakes his head. "Omu is a dark place. My people have a tie to that city. Many years ago, they were enslaved by the bara—the champion—of Omu to build a vast dungeon beneath it. He used their skills to fill it with traps and secret rooms, then tested those traps on the very people who built them."

He nods when they ask if this champion was Lar'lenek. "They called him the wisest of the bara. He enjoyed puzzles and riddles, and incorporated that interest in his plans for the dungeon. Thankfully my father and a few others were able to escape, and came here. If you seek your friends, I pray they aren't kept in that dark place."

To protect them from Nanny Pu'pu's scrying, Musharib offers to craft them Amulets of Proof against Detection and Location. Upon examining the metal that Chibuzo retrieved from the statue of Queen Ngozi, he concludes that its magical properties would enable it to be used as raw material for the amulets. He agrees to trade them four amulets in exchange for all of the metal and 700 gold pieces, but each amulet will take him two weeks to craft.

After purchasing some potions from his stock of magic items, they return to Nkansu House. Dunch resolves to visit Uda for information, while Dolan and Chibuzo decide to see Grandfather Zitembe about reopening the shrine of the Kimbala beneath the Temple of Zann.

Report Date
22 Oct 2022
Primary Location
