Tomb of Annihilation - Session 26

General Summary

Ixtli and Dunch re-enter the city and head for the O'tamu villa. Two cloaked men stand guard in front. Approaching more closely, the adventurers recognize Osogo and Manu, who recognize them in turn. They immediately ask after "the young master." He is safe for the moment, Dunch assures them, but he and Ixtli were hoping to speak to Wakanga about him.

The guards bring Dunch and Ixtli inside, calling a servant to take their cloaks and summon Wakanga. After a few minutes the Merchant Prince descends the stairs in the central hall, dressed in a black and dark blue silk robe. "My friends, so good to see you," he says. "You bring news of Chibuzo?"

They quickly relate how they found the cave and battled Sayid al-Qaar and the other foes within, and describe the evidence they discovered. Wakanga listens intently, then orders Manu to summon the Captain of the Dore Kvanga to the villa, and Osogo to inform the other Merchant Princes that they will need to meet later today. When he states that the Merchant Princes will meet at Goldenthone, Dunch cautions that the palace may not be secure. He shows the map that they found in the cave and mentions the suits of Dore Kvanga armour they found. Disturbed by these revelations, Wakanga agrees that the meeting will need to take place in a secure location.

The guards head out to fulfill his orders. "You've done well," Wakanga tells the adventurers. "Rest and recuperate for now. There is still much to do." As he invites them to clean themselves, he sees past the grime and mud on Dunch's armour and recognizes Nyemba's Might, hardly believing his eyes at first. Dunch confirms that they recovered the armour from the Tomb of the Sky Kings. Wakanga shakes his head. "Remarkable."

While Ixtli and Dunch bathe and eat, Chibuzo, Dolan, and Yollotl wait in the cave. Shortly after their companions left, the tide began to come in, filling the cave below the stone ledges. While Chibuzo rests, and Yollotl watches their still-unconscious prisoner, Dolan samples the vials recovered from the yuan-ti Szola. They contain a Potion of Greater Healing, two Potions of Superior Healing, a Potion of Invisibility, a Potion of Mind Reading, a Potion of Water Breathing, and a Potion of Gaseous Form.

About an hour after Chibuzo falls asleep, the alchemical apparatus at the rear of the cave starts to shake slightly. Dolan concludes that the glass canister atop it is now full of poison gas. Scanning the apparatus with the Sceptre of the Honored Voice, he detects magical components that are generating heat. He calmly closes and disconnects the canister and sets it aside, then disables the magical elements to prevent the buildup of any more gas.

A few hours pass. Their bound prisoner regains consciousness and looks around, but doesn't speak.

Chibuzo wakes up and watches the prisoner while Yollotl and Dolan rest. The ranger sits a few feet away and stares expressionless at their captive. After a few minutes, the guard utters an unnatural laugh, as if imitating a sound he's only heard from others. "So what do you plan for me?", he asks Chibuzo, who doesn't respond. "What do you want?", he asks again. Chibuzo still says nothing. Finally the man looks away. "That will be for the Merchant Princes to decide," Chibuzo finally intones.

The remainder of the evening passes uneventfully. From outside the cave, the sound of the rain quiets, then stops.

At first light, back in Port Nyanzaru, Captain Baraka Ekulu and six other members of the Dore Kvanga arrive at the Wakanga villa. Baraka informs them that a sloop is waiting for them at the Royal Docks, and is ready to leave immediately for the cave. Wakanga tells them to return to discuss their next steps as soon as they have retrieved the evidence and their companions.

The guards and adventurers descend from Temple Hill to the harbour, where Baraka arranges their departure with Zesiro, the harbourmaster. Waiting for them in the sloop—named the Javelin—is a weatherbeaten woman wearing a straw hat. She seems uncomfortable with their presence, and Ixtli thinks that the Dore Kvanga have compelled her cooperation. Baraka speaks to her politely, though: "Thank you, Anapa. You will be compensated for your service by Merchant Prince Wakanga."

The ship departs. Dunch offers to assist with the sailing, and while Anapa is reluctant to accept, his expertise overcomes her misgivings.

After sailing around the city and navigating along the coast, they spot the cave entrance in the side of the cliff. The tide is starting to go out. The Javelin weighs anchor about a hundred feet from shore and Dunch, Ixtli, Baraka, and one of the guards set out in a rowboat.

As they come closer, Baraka jumps into the water and wades into the cave, calling out to confirm Chibuzo's presence. After the ranger shows him around the cave, he decides that they will leave the apparatus and most of the corpses, but take the trunk, the pamphlets, the canister of gas, another empty canister, and the corpses of Szola and Sayid al-Qaar, as well as the prisoner.

An hour or so later, all has been loaded aboard the Javelin, and the ship heads back towards the city. During the journey, they hear the prisoner muttering to the guard watching him. "Keep your mouth shut," the guard says, raising his hand. Ixtli moves to gag their captive, but before he can do so, the prisoner tells the guard: "End my life." His eyes flicker. In one motion, the guard runs him through with his yklwa, and the prisoner falls dead.

"What did you do?!?" Baraka shouts. Dropping the spear, the guard appears stunned by his own actions. Although Dolan tells the captain that the guard was clearly under the influence of a suggestion spell, Baraka still orders him seized for further questioning.

After they pull into the docks, Zesiro has his dockworkers bring them a hadrosaur-drawn wagon. The evidence is taken ashore, with the gas canister packed in a straw-lined crate, and they return to the O'tamu villa.

Wakanga is overjoyed to see Chibuzo again, and the father and son embrace. "I'm sorry, father," Chibuzo tells him. "I'm sorry for all the trouble I've brought upon our family."

After a moment, Wakanga breaks the embrace, wrinkling his nose. "Ugh. Ah, yes, the refuse pit."

While Chibuzo and the others get cleaned up, the Dore Kvanga unload the evidence. The corpses are covered up and stored in the gardens, while the gas cannister is placed in a guarded storeroom.

The adventurers gather in the main dining hall with Wakanga, Gero, and Captain Baraka. After the servants bring food, they discuss the trip to the cave and what they brought back. After it's pointed out that the Goldenthrone map and Dore Kvanga armour suggest an inside job, Wakanga re-examines the letter fragment found by Yollotl, and exclaims sharply. He recognizes the handwriting as that of Ifan Talro'a, another Merchant Prince. "Now I'm concerned," he continues. "I sent notice to all of the other Princes that we had this information."

To Dunch's inquiry, he affirms that Talro'a is a coward by nature, and would likely try to flee rather than fight. But Chibuzo questions whether he actually wrote the letter—if it were a forgery, Ifan Talro'a would be a perfect scapegoat. Baraka agrees. "Rashaad has shown a masterful ability to manipulate public opinion."

Baraka assures them that Goldenthrone is secure, with additional members of the Dore Kvanga on guard as well as the city watch. Wakanga declares he will summon the other Merchant Princes to meet them there at sundown.

In the meantime, the adventurers send messages describing recent events to Nkansu House and to Akachi's residence. No-one is at Nkansu House, but Akachi sends back that she appreciates knowing they're alive.

Wakanga has not previously met Yollotl, and Ixtli introduces them, with a brief description of Yollotl's history as a shadow. Yollotl kneels before Wakanga, and apologizes for killing the servants Makalo and Dofi. "I was a different person then," he says, "and I will do everything in my power to repay you. Though I don't know what that could be." Wakanga acknowledges Yollotl's regret, but says that he will want to hear more about Yollotl's past—as well as more from all of them about their mystic experiences.

As sundown approaches, Wakanga, Baraka, Chibuzo, Dolan, Dunch, and Ixtli make their way to Goldenthrone. Inside the palace, an entry hall leads to a massive, opulently decorated domed chamber, dominated by a semicircular table at which are seven ornate chairs. Four of the merchant princes are already seated, two of whom the adventurers recognize: Ekene-Afa Fwasani and Zanthi Tadala. The others are Jobal Maladitso, a jovial man with a business interest in supplying jungle expeditions, and Kwayothe Takondwa, a dealer in fruits, vegetables, and tej. Two are absent: the recently resurrected Jessamine Dubani, and Ifan Talro'a.

Wakanga takes his seat among his fellows. Also present in the chamber but standing off to one side is a young woman in yellow and gold robes: a Priestess of Jauhar, the Nizamish god of wealth.

Captain Baraka dismisses the other guards. After brief opening remarks from Ekene-Afa, Zanthi tells the priestess that she may begin. The woman casts a spell, and a glowing circle appears on the floor in front of the assembled princes. "Anyone who enters this circle will be compelled to speak the truth," she declares.

Ekene-Afa nods at Chibuzo. "You shall be first. Step forward and speak your truth."

Chibuzo relates the shock and dismay the party felt upon their return to the city when they learned of the attacks, and how those responsible had taken advantage of his earlier mistakes. Their group was not responsible for the attacks, he declares, but they have found and stopped those who were.

He describes locating the cave and fighting those within, and Wakanga has Captain Baraka start to bring in the evidence, including Sayid's corpse. His association with Rashaad al-Tahir is noted. The snake-head of Szola, the alchemist, draws a startled reaction from the Merchant Princes.

"You are looking at a yuan-ti," Chibuzo proclaims. "They serve Rashaad's master."

"And who is that?" Ekene-Afa asks him.

"Ras Nsi."

"That's impossible," she declares. "Ras Nsi has been dead for a century."

Chibuzo reminds them of the ledger the party retrieved from the dungeon of Fort Tajar, and the names marked with the symbol of the former bara. The party has information that he and his yuan-ti reside in Omu, the Forbidden City.

"So you're saying Ras Nsi and his followers want to take our city from us?" Jobal asks.

"They want to take the city," Chibuzo answers, "they want to take the continent—they want to take your souls."

"That's not going to happen," Ekene-Afa states flatly. She questions whether there could be a threat from Omu. "No-one's been there for centuries."

Jobal tells her that may not be the case. About a year ago, he relates, he signed the expedition charter of an adventuring company from Asturia, the Company of the Yellow Banner, who intended to make their way to Omu. They sought a treasure of the royal family, The Eye of Zaltec. The Company went into the jungle but never returned to Port Nyanzaru.

The conversation returns to the conspirators from the cave. "Is there still a threat to the city?" Ekene-Afa asks.

Wakanga invites her to examine the fragmented note recovered by Yollotl. She looks at it closely, then exclaims, "this is—!"

"Ifan's writing," Wakanga confirms. "At least I think so."

The five rulers pass the fragment between them, discussing it animatedly. Some are ready to condemn Talro'a, while others are more skeptical. Zanthi considers his absence from the meeting to be a telling sign. Ekene-Afa orders Captain Baraka to dispatch some of the Dore Kvanga and bring him to Goldenthrone.

Zanthi Tadala gestures at the corpses and the items retrieved from the cave. "To me this evidence is conclusive," she declares. "We knew of Rashaad's treachery before, but his operatives were clearly still at work in the city." She asks Jobal whether he has had any recent contact with Rashaad—"he used to hire men from you constantly"—but Jobal says he has not.

"So what do we do?" Zanthi asks.

Ixtli steps into the glowing circle to speak. The monk tells them that their city and their people face a physical threat from Ras Nsi and his servants—but also a supernatural threat from the Death Curse, whose strengthening effects have been seen in the streets of Port Nyanzaru. The adventurers have been working to understand the origins of the Curse, but this knowledge has not been easy to come by, and they have had to seek out supernatural sources. Their quest led them first to the lost city of Orolunga and the Oracle, the naga Saja N'baza, who directed them to the Aldani Basin.

Ekene-Afa is openly skeptical of this, but Zanthi Tadala assures her that Saja N'baza is real, and wants to help the people. The former gladiator remains unconvinced. Her reservations are understandable, Chibuzo tells her, and he might have shared them once—but the things he's seen have opened his eyes.

Ixtli continues, relating their encounter with the dragon Kurat, the vision of Omu that he shared with them, and the source of the Death Curse: the Soulmonger, created by Lar'lenek, formerly the bara of Omu and a follower of Ubtao, in a vain attempt to bring Ubtao back to life. "We wish to go to Omu to stop it," he concludes.

Jobal has been listening intently to his account. "I think that you should!" he declares. "It sounds incredible—but I believe you."

Ekene-Afa notes that they were able to teleport to Port Nyanzaru, and asks whether they could travel to Omu the same way. Wakanga and Dolan briefly explain the Serpent's Way, and that the teleportation circle in Omu has been damaged. "If it were repaired, could someone else use it?" she asks. Only Saja N'baza, or her Voice bearing the Sceptre can travel by the Serpent's Way, Dolan answers. The Merchant Prince wonders about its use for troop movement.

"We don't have an army to send!" Zanthi declares. "We have no soldiers."

The Asturians also want to stop the Death Curse, Chibuzo tells them, and suggests the templars could assist. The Merchant Princes nod at his suggestion. He also asks for their aid in getting to Omu.

Ekene-Afa stands, and asks the others: "What do we think?"

Wakanga speaks: "I think they should go. I trust my son. I trust his companions. If anyone can stand against Ras Nsi and the Death Curse, it is them." Zanthi seconds his remarks, and Jobal and Kwayothe also state their support.

Chibuzo asks to speak to the populace, and the Merchant Princes agree that the people should be assured the imminent threat of further attacks has been ended. After some discussion, Ekene-Afa announces that criers will tell the people to gather in the Grand Coliseum in three days time, where the Merchant Princes will stand before them and explain recent events. Chibuzo will also have a chance to speak, and tell them of the Death Curse. As for the Asturians, the Merchant Princes give their blessing for the adventurers to work with them on a plan to reach Omu. Grandfather Zitembe and Fenuku will also be released immediately.

The adventurers return with Wakanga to the O'tamu residence, where Chibuzo describes to his father his experiences with Atsu in the Dreamlands. Wakanga holds his own father's lance for a time, and tears are streaming from his face when he hands it back to his son. "Continue to protect Chibuzo," he tells it.

Afterwards, the adventurers tell him more about their other experiences, including Yollotl's change from shadow to physical being, while Gero employs his magic to identify Sayid's three items for them: Goggles of Night, a Necklace of Adaptation, and a Cape of the Mountebank.

The next day dawns under a steady rain. The party travels first to the Temple of the Maker, where they find morning services in progress. Orwen Baelish is preaching to the faithful. When the service ends, the priest tells them Nera Blacktyde is with the High Templar at the hillside camp.

Sophia is still at the temple and emerges from the back rooms to greet them, smiling. They exchange news. General Voss has been doing better, she relates, helped by Nera. He's also been visiting the templars at their camp—being around other soldiers seems to have been good for him.

Sophia takes a moment to speak to Dunch privately. Hesitantly, she relates that she has been having dreams lately of a great bird, wreathed in a storm. Her description matches every vision Dunch has had of Nyemba, and he tells the Asturian about the eagle spirit.

"Every time I dreamed of it," Sophia relates, "I felt compelled to work on something. Let me bring it to you." She returns shortly and hands him a piece of simple jewelry, made of a silver wire threaded with bloodstones. The pattern of the stones matches Waka's totem. "The bird told me, if you add this to the totem, it will help you find Waka. I hope that it does." Dunch offers his thanks.

The party takes their leave and makes their way across the rest of Malar's Throat, climbing up a switchbacked path to the top of the hill to the east, where they find the white tents of the templars. One of the soldiers directs them toward a two-story wooden house, beyond which is a vineyard.

Nearby they find Nera, who is surprised to see them travelling so openly. They have been exonerated, they tell her, after killing the group responsible for the attacks. Pleased with this news, Nera takes them to meet Ogechi, the woman who owns this property: a middle-aged Marakuran woman with a shaved head, wearing a yellow kerchief. She is talking to two young men whom they recognize as Polo and Achebe, the brothers they rescued from Fort Tajar. The former captives greet the party enthusiastically. "You know these people?" Ogechi asks. "Yes, Aunt," Polo tells her. "These are the ones who rescued us from Rashaad's dungeon." "Then I owe them my deepest gratitude," she responds.

Nera would like to hear more of the party's adventures in Fort Tajar, as well as their more recent travels, perhaps over a drink. But at the moment they need to see the High Templar. She leads them inside, where they find a middle-aged Asturian woman with short-cropped brown hair, deep in conversation with General Voss. They break off speaking as the party enters, and Nera introduces them to High Templar Celeste Whitehill. Voss prepares to take his leave, but Nera suggests that he remain.

The party briefly describes having dealt with those who attacked the Twilight Sabre—and make a point of telling Voss that among them was the one who led the fireball attack on the Ravengard Expedition camp a few weeks ago. "Did he suffer?" Voss asks. Yes, they tell him. "Good," the old soldier says grimly. "I hope he burns in the hells."

The discussion turns to the Death Curse, and the party describe to the High Templar the vision they received from Kurat. Though skeptical about the source of this information, Celeste admits that it aligns with Father Elian's theories, and accepts their story. "My oath dictates that I must help," she declares. "This abomination must not stand."

The talk turns to logistics, and the difficulty of moving people and supplies thorough the jungle. Celeste moots the possibility of the adventurers travelling to Omu first, and setting up a defensible position to which more troops could be sent. Dunch suggests that the party's ranks could be augmented with a few skilled soldiers—scouts, infiltrators, and the like.

Nera brings out a map of Marakuru, and the party points to the location of Omu. But they also note that the templars' camp on the peninsula's south coast is not shown.

Chibuzo points to the spot. "We know about Camp Forbearance," he says. The High Templar's neck muscles visibly tighten. "We haven't told anyone," he continues, "but you should come clean with the Merchant Princes."

"Why should we?" Celeste asks bluntly. "Is the camp not outside the bounds of their Red Law?"

"I don't understand," interjects Nera. "Is it not just a third point from which to attack the undead?"

"That's correct," Celeste answers after a moment. She concurs that it would be a good staging ground for an expedition to Omu, and offers her tentative agreement to use it for that purpose. But she will need time to consider their needs, as well as what to do with the troops who were originally planned to relieve Camp Righteous and Camp Virtuous. She orders Nera to canvass the ranks for agile troops who would be suited for service in an advance force. Nera will visit the adventurers at Nkansu House when they have come up with something.

Report Date
26 Aug 2023
Primary Location
