

The population of Simmerside is regulars, lower class. They are boxers, acrobats, jugglers, camp followers. There are those who perform the administrave side of things, making sure there's food, supplies, a large enough space to set up camp.


This group is led by those adminstravtive types. A lot of the time, these people are former boxers and such, so they understand the stresses and needs of the performers. Their leader is elected/reelected every 10 seasonal cycles.   Decisions are made by this person with the help of a council, who control finances, health needs, safety, and laws. These decisions include, but aren't limited to, when to move onto the next town/city, who to accept into Simmerside, punishments, dividends to be distributed among the performers, food and clothes.


Simmerside was just over a 100 seasonal cycles before the Civil War. They built up a repuation for having the best boxers, acrobats, and jugglers. They travelled around the Kingdom of Aon. Adults talked about Simmerside and young ones dreamed about joining them. Everyone looked forward to a visit from Simmerside.   The ten seasonal cycles that the Civil War lasted were hard times for Simmerside. Many of the boxers were drafted into one of the five armies, and many didn't come back, either because of death or being forced to stay with the army that drafted them. Those who weren't drafted were forced to settle in one place to eek a living out of the land.   Even after the Civil War was over, Simmerside stayed put as they recruited boxers back into the group as well as retrain and recruit new acrobats and jugglers.   Once they were back up to full strength, they began touring agian, though now, they are limited to the Kingdom of Merkan. Their reputation is better than it ever was, and they have been repeatedly been asked to perform at the Palace in the City of Darktide.
Founding Date
05/33/2600 Before Civil War
Camp, Temporary
Anywhere between ~100 to ~1000
Location under
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe and DreamStudio


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