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Casimir Olekova (a.k.a. Casimir The Hunter)

Casimir is a skilled hunter seeking his fortune, and hoping he will someday have the means to help his mother, sister and brother have a better life.


Born in 729 SE in a small village south of Listvennitsa Forest The Kusharan Principalities, Casimir was the fourth of six children born to Oleg and Kalyna, who were bonded farmers on the land of Prince Myron. When he was seven, his father, two older brothers Vesila and Palo, and younger sister Sisha, were killed by bandits when they were coming back from the market, leaving Casimir's mother with only Casimir, his older sister Anya, and infant brother Tyber. To help, Oleg's brother Varaya offered to take Casimir in. Varaya was a hunter who lived in the forest, and would be alone for months at a time. He started training Casimir as an apprentice, and together they would go hunting through the forest for weeks on end, living off nature, and avoiding the many larger predators, like lievuzhas and manticores.

Casimir learned the life of the hunter, how to track, to hide, and to kill. He also learned the way of nature, how to read the land for clues of weather changes and natural and magical dangers, where to find food, how to heal, and how the beasts of the forest lived and communicated. To survive in the forest, Varaya would say, you needed to be able to feel the Aether, and read its currents, as well as steer them to your benifit when needed. To that end, Casimir was tought magic, even if to him, it was simply a natural extension of his other survival skills. Varaya also tought Casimir about Anira, who watches over all those who hunt, and he tought him Kijani the ancient language of the spirits of the forest.

Years went by and Casimir became a very skilled hunter. While he was very skilled with his bow, his strongest weapon was his patience. He could wait for days for his quarry, and when he had them in sight he could sit still for hours, visualising the draw and loose again and again until he was sure he had the perfect shot. In 748 SE, when he was 19, he went on a hunt alone, deep in the forest, when a large male lievuzha got his scent and started tracking him. He had two run-ins, narrowly escaping by first climbing a tree and escaping through the treetops, and the second time by jumping over a cliff into a river. He slept in the treetops, but knew he was still in the animal's territory and had nowhere to go where the lievuzha wouldn't get him eventually, so he decided he had to kill it.

He started tracking it, and over the course of days laid out a plan to take it down with one well-placed arrow, which was all the chance he would get. When he finally confronted the giant lievuzha, he hadn't eaten or slept for days, and his shot, while true, did not fell the creature as it came bounding towards him. With only a moment before he was torn apart, he shot another arrow, which landed right next to the first one, between the eyes, and while the animal faultered, momentum still carried it toward Casimir, who jumped at the last minute, and landed between the shoulders of the lievuzha, shooting another arrow into its skull as he did so.

Meanwhile, Prince Myron was in money trouble, and sold some of his land to the neighbouring principality, under Prince Giorgo, including Casimir's childhood home. While under the terms of their bond, Kalyna, Anya and Tyber came with the farm, Giorgo's accountants did not accept a potentially lucrative parcel of land being run by a widow and her daughter and teenage son, so the three of them were evicted and fell on very hard times. They travelled to Mayard's Run, where they tried to make a living as best they could, but it was difficult. Eventually, Casimir got word of their plight and decided he had to help them. Leaving Varaya and Listvennitsa Forest behind, he travelled to Mayard's Run, where he learned that his family was now the de facto property of The Bakers: the most notorious thieve's guild in the Principalities.

Kalyna and Anya had been employed in the kitchens of The Bakery, where the leader of the guild, Boris, ruled with an iron fist. Tyber had been brought into the work of the guild, and had started thieving and robbing, but they were all being mistreated. When Boris realised that Casimir wore a Lievuzha's tooth around his neck, he asked him to do a hunt for him: he wanted the skull of a sabertooth tiger to mount on his wall. Casimir reluctantly agreed, and the following years he went on hunt after hunt, getting spider's poisons and bear's blood and all other manner of exotic things for the guild. Sometimes he would hunt alone, sometimes with other hired trackers and hunters, and always, there were more jobs that needed doing before Casimir's family had paid off their debts.

Eventually, Casimir confronted Boris with all that he had done for the guild, and demanded that he release his family into his care. For a moment, it seemed to have been a mistake to confront the guild leader this way, in front of his men, because he looked furious at being met by such insubordination. But then Tyber stepped forward and defiantly said that he didn't want to leave the Bakers, that they were his family now. At that, Boris The Baker gave a cruel smile and said that Casimir could have the women, the guild had the most valuable member of the family already. Casimir realized that he should leave the city while he could, having made an enemy of a very dangerous man.

Casimir and his mother and sister travelled south, where Kalyna found work for her and Anya in the household of a noble family in the Semeyan Valley. Casimir was no good as a noble's servant, so he travelled on into Sarkara, making his money from hunting, and learning the lay of the land in new forests and fields. He eventually started taking jobs to rid villagers of predators that plagued them, and became known as Casimir the Hunter in Sarkara and Morogar. Always travelling, Casimir still hoped that one day he could make a better life for his sister and mother, and perhaps free his little brother from the clutches of the Bakers, who had mistreated them all so much.

Bow Hunter

You grew up with a bow in hand. Tracking your prey through forests and across fields and valleys your bow became as an extension of your own body, and hunting became second nature to you. You've enjoyed the solitude of being the only thinking creature for miles in any direction. The wilds are in your blood, whether you were a nomad, an explorer, a recluse, a hunter, or even a bandit. Even in places where you don't know the specific features of the terrain, you know the ways of the wild.

Skill Proficiencies Athletics, Survival
Languages One of your choice.


Skilled Bowman
You know how to shoot, how to maintain, and even how to build a bow, whether it's a compound bow, a selfbow or a crossbow. You gain your choice of one of the following feats: Alert, Crossbow Expert or Sharpshooter.

True Neutral
Year of Birth
729 SE 35 Years old
Storowiec, a village in eastern Lantsyuzhka
Known Languages
Kusharan (common) (mother tongue)
Sarkaran (common)
Kijani (rare)

DEX: 18
CON: 14
INT: 9
WIS: 14
CHA: 10

Racial Features:
Superior Skill Versatility: proficiency in two skills of your choice.
Favour of the Sun King: Advantage on an attack, skill check or saving throw once (half proficiency) per long rest.
Extra Feat: Choose one feat.

Tool Proficiencies:
Choose One: Leatherworker's tools, Weaver's tools, Woodcarver's tools, Herbalism Kit


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