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The Miankurians are the lost civilization known as the Dark Elves. They live under the Blacktallow mountains, in a vast network of caves known as the Underdark. This network streches beyond the Blacktallow mountains, both west and south, and it is believed that there are Dark Elves living as far away as under the Hurloon mountains and the Kharnath Valley. While there are a handful of actual cities underground, the majority of Miankurians live in small nomadic communities, shunned as they are by most surface dwellers. Peaceful interaction with other races is not completely impossible for the Miankurian though, especially in the more remote and uncivilized parts of the world, and as a result, the Miankurian culture stretches far and wide, through both trading and raiding.

Life in the Underdark is a miserable and dangerous affair, and most Miankurians live as foragers and hunters, occasionally suplemented with a quick raid above ground (or on a rival clan). There are nobles and merchants in the cities, as well as warriors and priests, but this is a life most Miankurians could only dream of.

The Miankurians are almost all Skykin, specifically the fallen subrace known as Dark Elves. Occasionally there will be Miankurians who are hybrid, or even full-blood Shadowkin, but these are rare. Miankurian elves have grey skin and red or purple eyes, with hair in shades of grey ranging from white to black.

The Miankurians worship only Melkor, the vampire God, whom they consider their progenitor. Very occasionally there will be those among them who worship Baal, and perhaps one or two will worship Azmodan for the boons he offers, but all other gods, including Xarum and Baphomet, are hated and shunned among the Miankurians. That doesn't mean you won't find some who still worship Rhya or even Liadriel in secret.


Major language groups and dialects

The Miankurians speak their own language Miankurian, and if they know other languages it will often by Nyxian or Thualian, at least in the east. Occasionally, Miankurians will learn a little Sarkaran, so they can speak with those they raid or take as thralls.


Languages: Miankurian - Sarkaran

Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, Shortbow, Rapier, Hand Crossbow

Tool Proficiencies, Choose One: Alchemist's supplies, Herbalism kit, Poisoner's kit, Mason's tools
Many dark elves will decorate their skin, especially their face, with paint, made from a substance derived from Mistveil Mushrooms, mixed with something to give it colour, usually chalk. It remains in place for months, and each clan have subtle differences in their markings that others Miankurians recognize.
The city of Naggaroth lies somewhere underneath the Blacktallow Mountains, and is truly the heart of Miankurian culture. It is a marvel of engineering, and it is an amazing feat of subterfuge that its location, and for most even its existence, remains a secret to the above ground enemies of the dark elves.


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