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The Uluakians are the people of the Northern Wastes, that lie north of the mountains of Hurloon. Their culture is centered around the Stonekin, who make up the majority of the Uluakians, though some Brightkin can be found among them as well. They live a semi-nomadic lifestyle, with few permenent settlements, as they find the harsh environment, and dangerous wildlife make it difficult to establish many lasting colonies.

The Uluakians make their living mostly as hunter gatherers, fishermen and trappers. Many tribes turn to raiding their southern neighbours as well, a dangerous practice that involves crossing the mountains, but it can be very lucrative when succesful.

Most Uluakians are stonekin, and their skin-colour is usually a pale grey. They are known to adorn themselves with black, dark grey and dark blue tattoos as part of their culture. There are orc, human and dwarven Uluakians as well, orcs especially in the eastern parts of the Northern Wastes, and human tribes in the far west.

The Uluakians worship Ethelaius, Anira and Morgesh, the last of whom has druid circles dedicated to him, a practice unique to the Uluakians. Some Uluakian raiders worship Baphomet, who can grant great boons to those willing to be ruthless in their pursuit of power, and in the west, a few human tribes can be found that worship Xarum openly, a practice nearly unheard of elsewhere. This can be traced back to sometime during the Second War of Ashes where a terrible plague ravaged these tribes, which made them turn to Xarum in desperation.


Major language groups and dialects

The Uluakian language is spoken over most of the Northern Wastes, though some orc Uluakians speak Thualian. When Uluakians speak a second language it is often Gorl in the west, Kusharan in the east, and occasionally Morogari Sarkaran.


Languages: Uluakian - Sarkaran

Weapon Proficiencies: Javelin, Greatclub, Warhammer, Greataxe

Tool Proficiencies, Choose One: Leatherworker's tools, Cartographer’s tools, Weaver's tools, Woodcarver's tools
Uluakian Stonekin crossing the mountains.
Uluakian Snowhorn Rider.


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