Commandant William Darlton

Commandant William Darlton is the effective commanding officer of the 46th Imperial Cossacks Regiment. His whole life has been spent moving from warzone to warzone, and is one of the most decorated combat officers in the entire Imperial Shock Trooper Corps.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

  William Darlton was born to Franz Darlton and Margaret Darlton on New Babylon. He was raised in an ignoble family, where his father was a sergeant and a pilot in the Imperial Navy, who served in the 29th Imperial Starfighter Legion. His father went on to open up an airspeeder company on New Babylon.   William was the third child. His eldest brother Liam became middle management at Waystar. There are few records of William's older sister. From an early age, Darlton tested poorly throughout his time at various imperial primary schools. He was especially terrible with mathematics. However Darlton excelled at physical sports, and got involved with combat spots from an early age.   

The Imperial Shock Troopers

  William's family was able to secure him a scholarship to Monterey Naval Yards, where Darlton would attend the Imperial Aerospace Warfare Academy. He would go on to comission, and get assigned to as a Junior Lieutenant in the 201st Shock Trooper Legion, which was attached to the Imperial 5th Royal Imperial Fleet.    Darlton was one of the first that would land on Tu'Kor, in what would turn in to a decade long invasion. He spent years on the jungle world, fighting tooth and nail for mere miles of inhospitable jungle. His time fighting alongside the various imperial army forces hardened his view of the Imperial nobility. After a successful operation in taking down a large seerist held village, Darlton was put up for selection for the Cossacks.   

The Cossacks

  He excelled during selection, with instructors noting Darlton had a certain tenacity about him that made him an excellent mech pilot. He was re-assigned to the 2nd Cossack Regiment, 28th Imperial Shock Trooper Legion. He found himself in the Terminus Systems once again, this time the pilot of a Harrison Armory mechanized chassis.    He made his way up the ranks, and soon found himself as a Major, and in command of a whole company. Major Darlton's company was re-assigned to put down an uprising in the Panem Region.
Current Location
Aligned Organization
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