New Babylon

New Babylon was supposedly the first planet humanity colonized following the discovery of the Gates, and is the center of the universe for humanity. The city has long since built up over the Gaia world that once welcomed humanity. Now it is a beacon of opulence and symbol of the Empire's rightful claim to all of humanity. It is also a prime example of the wealth distribution that occurs within the empire.   The planet of New Babylon is a massive ecumenopolis and cultural center of the Colonial Earth Empire. It is home to the Emperor as well as the Imperial Judges and the Imperial Senate, and contains a great chunk of the empire's bureaucratic facilities. The city reaches miles upwards, with the lower areas being relegated as the slums, and heavily policed by C-Sec forces to ensure the upper layers are never inconvenienced. In recent years, due to a lack of manpower, the local policing forces now employ forces from noble houses to fill gaps. The Royal Flower Army has been the sole recepient of these contracts, a mix of competency, trust and capability. Entire swaths have been cut out as "Palaces" dedicated to the various royal houses that long held positions of power within the Empire. These are bisected by the massive imperial bureaucratic superstructures, that maintain the records and turn the cogs for the hundreds of trillions that live in the Empire. Ominous places such as the Judicars temple and Office of Imperial Security Headquarters loom over their own quadrants, hiding all manner of secret.  

Locations of Interest


Imperial District

  Home to the Imperial Senate, the headquarters for the Imperial Navy, Imperial Secret Service and Colonial Security Bureau, the High Council of Judicars and the Throne of the Emperor. The Imperial District sprawls across the south-eastern hemisphere of New Babylon. It is home to a majority of the Federally controlled many departments and organizations.  

Glitter Ward

  The Glitter Ward, located a short ways from the Imperial District is home to the noble manses. They erect luxury towers and manses, palaces and convention centers. They establish resorts to one-up each other.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Related Myths
Security Rating 
High Security


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