
A powerful multi-media corporation, Waystar is deep into imperial propaganda, and is known for working closely with the Imperial Court. They regular push right-wing sensational news and media throughout the empire, and its tough to say just how far their power reaches. Most emperors-to-be must sway the media heads to their side, however, on the flip side, the corporate execs here know to piss off the current emperor is to welcome a raid by Imperial Security.   They are managed by the House of Glass, who know how to continually use the media apparatus to focus attention on the Empire and their enemies, and away from them. The house instead prefers to play the quiet puppeteer, pulling the strings on the news agency when needed.   Waystar has real influential impact on manufacturing the consent of the citizens of the empire, and regularly encourage citizens of all kinds to join in the imperial colonial cause. They regularly target those in the Mid Rim as barbaric extremists, or lost colonies just waiting to once again be embraced under the protective wing of the Colonial Earth Empire.   Those in the Mid Rim view Waystar as a right-wing mouth piece of the Imperial Nobility, for which they are correct. In the Core Systems, Waystar is one of the few "approved" broadcasting channels. Obviously streams get through the Omni-Net all the time, but its easy for Imperial citizens to tune them out and flick back to Waystar to hear what they want to hear. Waystar also has great reach in Great Expanse, at least in space controlled by the Corporate Assembly.   Not just in the news industry, Waystar has its hand in movies, video games, music, and all other manner of entertainment and Omni-Net service. From gameshows, to blockbuster musical movies, Waystar does it all under the close supervision of Imperial censors in the Colonial Security Bureau. They also have a wide range of theme parks, resorts, casinos and luxury liners traveling within the Throne Worlds.
Corporation, News & Media
Parent Organization

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