Duke Francis Valois

Duke of Steel

What Duke Francis Valois lacks in noble status, he makes up for in wealth. His little empire, running the branch of the Valois Trading Corporation on High Sanctuary has made him an incredible profit. He's used this profit to build himself a small compound on the station, and created his own spy network.    Duke Valois has a lesser position than his counterpart, Baroness Crane, however what he lacks in noble status, he makes up in power and money on High Sanctuary. The Baroness is restricted by her use of the Imperial Navy on a neutral station. The Dukes muscle consists of a mix of Blueforce Division hired goons as his personal bodyguard, and the Iron Hand making up the foot soldiers of his small empire.    It is fronted by the Valois Trading Corporation, a known "secret". It's also rumored that he has higher connections with a regional govenor within the Colonial Security Bureau that's been turning a blind eye to the Duke's criminal organization.    


  Duke Francis Valois is purely motivated by his criminal enterprises, which have propelled him into profane wealth. He seeks to buy out a higher noble title in the House of Valois, and believes High Sanctuary is a mere stepping stone to his greater ambitions within the Colonial Earth Empire. He has little respect for the Iron Hand, but knows they can be useful on the fringes of the Empire's influence.    He despises the Baroness Crane, who he sees as merely an obstacle. Ambassador Sundew is a frustration of the Duke, who regularly sees his goons caught and turned over by Royal Flower Army peacekeepers.
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