House of Flowers

The House of Flowers is known as a significant agri-producer of the Colonial Earth Empire. They have significant influence with Agri-Star in the Great Expanse. Within the Imperial Concern of the Core Systems, they command a significant role within the Imperial bureaucracy.   Unlike the other major houses, the primary industries of Flowers' minor houses still do, by and large, conform to its archetype: Flowers’ staff – noble and ignoble both – work across all levels of Empire’s metro and orbital structures, as well as at all levels of the Colonial Earth Empire. This investment in the functioning of the state has caught the House of Flowers' minor houses in an interesting ballet: torn between loyalty to their Houses and lords and their institutional loyalty to the state apparatus that they operate and maintain, theminor houses of the House of Flowers are often the targets of ire from both progressive and conservative major houses, frequently mocked in public caricature as stiff, unfeeling, and protocol-obsessed servants or janitors. On the one hand, they are apparatchiks to an ignoble state seemingly designed to hamstring the powers of the nobility; on the other, they are stuffy institutionalists, stubborn in their refusal to change more than an increment at a time.   All the same, the minor houses of the House of Flowers are firm in their devotion to the noble traditions of their house; those traditions – as they see it – demand this delicate ballet between noble obligation and statecraft, one they are more than willing to dance.  

Minor Houses

  • House Rose - By far the oldest and the wealthiest, House Rose hails from old Earth itself. Noblity runs in the veins of the Roses for thousands of years, and their influence over the House of Flowers is notable. Their traditions are staunch, and it is a strictly hereditary house. However, while monarchy rules over the House, the heirs are chosen, not merely born into power. It is prudent for the House of Rose to put the most capable and cunning at the top of their house. This has weakened Rose in the long run, as other houses use their fickle traditions against them, pitting the Roses against one another in wars of succession that eat at their resources.
  • House Primrose - House Primrose is a cadet house of the much older Roses. The split happened during the War in Heaven that occured during the silence. The Primroses took up arms against their brothers and cousins to fight for the Golds. In the peace treaties that ended the War, house Primrose was established formally as a minor house. They now represent the wing of Fourth Columnists within the House of Flowers.
  • House Sundew - House Sundew leverages the vines of control Flowers has over the Imperial institutions and bureaucracies. There is not a shipping mainfest, nor a zoning form or even a sales receipt that can escape the web of information that Sundew cannot get their hands on. This makes them a powerful asset of the House of Flowers, and a dangerous to those who cross them. Their house is the master of whispers, and they know the secrets of the Empire better than anyone.
  • House Hyacinth - Relatively poor, the strength of Hyaincth relies on their robust control over their elite division of Hussars known as the Green Knights, who operate as an elite heavy armored division. Their mechs are draped in capes of vines, flowers and colorful arrangemtns, and their weapons pre-date the silence. Even the most skilled Imperial techs cannot reverse engineer some of the weapons they wield. They are celebrated among the ignoble as chivalrous warriors throughout the entirety of the Empire, but especially among those on Pagoda. They are staunch absolutists.
  • House Lotus - House Lotus spends the most amount of time organizing and running the massive agri-industries of the House of Flowers, usually in conjunction with the local landlords and minor houses. They help keep the massive House of Flowers churning with profits, and head up the terraforming projects.
Political, Family
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Army Regiment
Royal Flower Dragoon Regiment

Articles under House of Flowers

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