House of Sand

The House of Sand was formed out of a group of Zlathan nobility that decdied to treat with the Empire instead of fighting it head on. They were wealthy, but they lacked the military might to engage in prolonged conflict with the empire. Instead, they went directly to the Nobility, especially ones whose coffers were low from constant war, and offered them material wealth beyond their dreams. This political power bought them two things. Fasaryr Prime, and and a permanent spot in the Imperial Nobility. The House of Sand has the most democratic selection of their nobility, as they most be approved by a ratification of the citizens of Fasaryr Prime. Of course all the choices are still mostly chosen by the Fasaryr Oligarchs.   They were given the holdfast of Fasaryr Prime, their cultural center. From Fasaryr Prime, they used their knowledge and connections to trade regularly, establishing the Fasaryr Run. This trade corridor ran straight through Pacifica, giving them access to the likes of the Grand Baronies of Carthage and Musura Federation. When they discovered rich reserves of Plasteel and other rare metals neccessary for the construction of Jump Drives under the crust of the planet, they were set upon by the much older and more dangerous houses. Long has the House of Sand fought for their existence, and long have they persisted.   Though they may be more splintered and chaotic than the more senior noble houses, the House of Sand has beaten off the advances of much more senior houses, like the House of Moments or the House of Glass. This is in part due to their aggressive and extremely capable intelligence services, nicknamed the Sand-men. They also have a staunchly loyal Imperial Army regiment, that is one of the few all-volunteer forces in the Empire. It is only deployed as a defensive force, ensuring that the other houses do not make a move against the House of Sand.   Many loyal members of Sand have becomes powerful Judicars or other agents of the family. The House funds a public schooling system that shares most psionics from the cruelist years on Dol Amoth. This willingness to embrace psionics and use it to their advantage has put them ahead of their peers. They have also worked closely with the planet's union bosses, ensuring their happiness has allowed easier control over their planets.  

Minor Houses

  The House of Sand does not have minor houses like those of Primrose or House Dufort. The minor houses are more so political parties, however the way they jockey for power is similar to the rest of the Empire. Most of these political parties are truly propped up by corporate and military interests. The royal family, the House of Sand allows the these political parties to elect the next Lord-Chancellor, who represents their interests within the Imperial Court. The interior politics of the rather large house of Sand is complex, and woven with intense laws that are difficult to navigate.   This had made penetration difficult, but it means the House of Sand is slow to move, especially with domestic policy. Instead, corporations, oligarchs, and wealthy individuals drive industry, only brought in-line by the heavy hand of the Federal Sand Defensive Corps. The military-police complex is given ample room to ensure these industries do not begin to infringe on the sovereignty of their House. The corporations within the interior have formed various cartels, which each back their political entity.  
  • House Libertie - Military aligned political entity
  • House De Roac - Aligned with an industrial business cartel.
  • House Metrep - Aligned with financial industries
Political, Family
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Army Corps
Federal Sand Defensive Corps

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