House Brooklaine


Centered within the Congregation, the Brooklaines have made their presence known to all through the mastery of the skies like none other in history, let alone on Stormlight in its current state. Through the construction of massive airships and zeppelins the Brooklaine family conquered the skies, and greedily assail any that disturb their iron mining productions with the long range guns on them.

Technological Level

Unique to the rest of the Congregation, the Brooklaines employ the use of massive, powerful airships that allow them to dominate the territory believed to be saved for dragons. While they rarely fly outside of the Congregation they have ensured that no outside political force can dismiss the small Congregation's military resources, and every family is aware that to anger the Brooklaines is to potentially bring a wrath akin to a dragon's upon them.
Political, Family
Alternative Names
The Brooklaines
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Family Leader
Parent Organization