The seasons are divisions of the year based on gradual patterned cyclic changes in nature, the weather and the hours of Daylight provided by the Greenbright crystals within the Cavern-Sky of the Great Cavern of Aman-ya.
Broadly the year can be divided into Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter which for the purpose of timekeeping and organizational structure are culturally divided into parts oncemore by the people of Styx.
The transition from Summer to Winter is gradual and the periods of Autumn and Spring are primarily marked by increased rain.
During Winter it becomes very cold with Lake Aphon often freezing over entirely and snowfall as well as hailstorms being common, during Summer it gets much warmer causing Lake Aphon and the Three Serpent Rivers to become fetid and stench ridden.
Many of the saintsdays and important celebrations as well as holy days of the Church of Serkatha are loosely ordered by their significance in the seasonal cycle as it impacts the people of Styx in the pursuits of their lives.
Agriculture and industry are both heavily influenced by the changing of the seasons.
The Eldest Faith as lived by the Forestfolk of the Leshivoi is structured and organized primarily by their conception of the Wheel of Seasons, a spiritual concept which associates the changing of seasons with spiritual phenomena and the worship of the various spirits, Firstborn and Eldest Gods.
Dwarven scholars of the University of Deephold claim that the Seasons in Styx are in fact caused by massive invertebrate creatures they call Hlóðynorm which consume rock and excrete hot molten matter. These "lodeworms" supposedly migrate seasonally and considerably impact the climate of the Great Cavern. Furthermore some scholars claim that lodeworms aren't truly worms but rather the larval state of a drakoid species. The seasonal earthquakes known as Spring quakes in Styx are supposed to be proof of the existence of these creatures.
Scholars of the Academia Ars Magicka et Mundana, of course, laugh at all these ridiculous claims: the Seasons are a gift from the Spider Goddess Serkatha after all.
Broadly the year can be divided into Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter which for the purpose of timekeeping and organizational structure are culturally divided into parts oncemore by the people of Styx.
The transition from Summer to Winter is gradual and the periods of Autumn and Spring are primarily marked by increased rain.
During Winter it becomes very cold with Lake Aphon often freezing over entirely and snowfall as well as hailstorms being common, during Summer it gets much warmer causing Lake Aphon and the Three Serpent Rivers to become fetid and stench ridden.
Many of the saintsdays and important celebrations as well as holy days of the Church of Serkatha are loosely ordered by their significance in the seasonal cycle as it impacts the people of Styx in the pursuits of their lives.
Agriculture and industry are both heavily influenced by the changing of the seasons.
The Eldest Faith as lived by the Forestfolk of the Leshivoi is structured and organized primarily by their conception of the Wheel of Seasons, a spiritual concept which associates the changing of seasons with spiritual phenomena and the worship of the various spirits, Firstborn and Eldest Gods.
Dwarven scholars of the University of Deephold claim that the Seasons in Styx are in fact caused by massive invertebrate creatures they call Hlóðynorm which consume rock and excrete hot molten matter. These "lodeworms" supposedly migrate seasonally and considerably impact the climate of the Great Cavern. Furthermore some scholars claim that lodeworms aren't truly worms but rather the larval state of a drakoid species. The seasonal earthquakes known as Spring quakes in Styx are supposed to be proof of the existence of these creatures.
Scholars of the Academia Ars Magicka et Mundana, of course, laugh at all these ridiculous claims: the Seasons are a gift from the Spider Goddess Serkatha after all.