PC's tie ins in Sword Coast | World Anvil
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PC's tie ins

Sara: Panama Humblebumble   Lightfoot halfling artificer armourer   She's doing an apprenticeship under the wizard Namfoozle Loudbranch at the Institude of Technical Arcane Research in Neverwinter with the Archmage Avys as it's PI (principle investigator). She is currently in the final stage of said apprenticeship. To finish fully, she's required to finish her research project (The arcane properties and uses of the native fungi of the sword coast). For this reason, she has traveled to Stormwreck Isle in search of lost research in the arcane observatory built by wizards long gone. On this same island is a small cloister known as Dragon's Rest. The caretaker of the cloister's temple to the dragon god Bahamut , who is a patron of heroes and a champion of justice, must have information regarding the observatory. This elder Runara can set her on the path to discovering the lost knowledge and finishing her research. With her is a mercenary from Neverwinter hired to protect her by the institute. Her name is .Keg brewchin   Personal quests/Tie-ins
  • Seagrow Caves and its fungi
  • Clifftop Observatory and its hidden research
  •           Juul: Lily / lilith   Tiefling bloodline of Zariel celestial warlock   As a small child, she was taken in by her foster family; Osmund Rosene and Catherine Rosene of House Rosene. She grew up sheltered in their mansion on the outside of Neverwinter. On these grounds was a temple to the god Bahamut, who is a patron of heroes and a champion of justice. One day when she entered, she saw, between all the bejewelled statues, a metal statue depicting the freeing of the solar Gabriel from the Abyss, with his wounds being the only polished parts of the metal due to the believe that rubbing it would spare one pain. She however touched his hand instead. Upon this contact, the statue spoke "Offer me something of great value". Instead of taking one of the temple's gems, she offered her driftglobe (a beloved gift given to her by her parents). Surprised by this willing and kind hearted gesture from the little tiefling, a pact was offered: magic for being good, following justice and protecting those weaker than her. In the recent months, she has been dreaming about a compass, a red rose and an couple yearning to embrace. They always end in a shadow creeping across the sea like a shroud, surrounding an island like a dark necklace. When researching the island, she discovered it to be Stormwreck Isle and on that island is a cloister with a temple to Bahamut , the god to which Gabriel belongs. Perhaps someone at the cloister holds the key to the answers she wishes to know. To accompany her, an agent of her house (Kolvar) is going with her to Stormwreck isle as he was going to the same island   Personal quest
  • Orcus influence on the island with all the undead, is deeply unsetteling to both Gabriel and Zariel (as Orcus is both their sworn enemy). Both Gabriel as Zariel want to undue the talisman and the zombies on the isle and thus steer her to the compass rose
  •   Keg brewchin   She has been hired to protect Panama and, due to her criminal background, has seen the contract Gilded Traitor. Will let other know, but only persues if they want as well.

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