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Issue 6: Guildmaster Murdered!

General Summary

The city mourns the tragic loss of Zegana, Prime Speaker of The Simic Combine as her body was found yesterday morning near Deathbridge Chasm. Zegana was known for her compassionate and curious demeanor, often indulging in conversation with citizens regarding biological reform to medicine. Zegana took the office of Simic Combine Prime Speaker when Momir Vig, the guild parun, stepped down after a falling out with Niv-Mizzet concerning his invention known as "Birthing Pods". Zegana took the reigns of Prime Speaker and guided the research and development of new medicines, healthcare techniques, and state-of-the-art surgery practices. Since Zegana's coronation as Prime Speaker, Ravnica has seen a drastic decrease in disease, hospital deaths, and an overall improved quality of life by nearly 6 percent[1].   According to the Chamber of the Guildpact, Vannifar will take the position of Prime Speaker with Zegana's passing. When trying to interview the new Prime Speaker, Dimir agents were told that a formal press release would be held regarding her new focus and vision of the Simic Combine once things are put in order following the coronation. Vannifar, the Ooze guildmage, recently held the position of Hull Clade leader, a prestigious position that puts her directly in line for Prime Speaker. Due to her ascendance, Vorel of the Hull Clade will take the position as Clade Leader[2].   In light of details regarding the state of Zegana's body upon discovery, Guildmaster Jarad vod Savo has been accused of murder. A preliminary trial was held in the evening yesterday to set the precedence for a full murder trial. If convicted, the prosecution has asked that Jarad's soul be purified, as the punishment of death would not affect the lich. As you may know, the punishment for pre-meditated murder in Ravnica can carry a sentence as immediate as execution the following week, given a conviction. Guildmaster Jarad has received the defense council of Barrister Leopold Bigwig, a renoun defense attorney who seems confident in his case against the Azorius accusation. As the city reels from this tragic loss, even more focus shifts towards the Murder at Karlov Manor, in which the Ravnican Agency of Magicological Investigations continues to pursue each possible lead with fervor.   The accusation has sent mixed signals across the guilds, including the disdain of The Golgari Swarm towards The Azorius Senate for, in their words, "reckless and rushed abuse of power". Though Jarad vod Savo has not been convicted of this crime, he stated to Dimir reporters that he would entrust his day to day duties to Vraska, a medusa sage on Jarad's personal council. Though the future following these transpiring events is unknown, House Dimir and its associates will continue to provide you, the reader, with accurate and up-to-date information as it is received and verified.
  by Zara Zu'un   [1]Quality of life statistics gathered from yearly House Dimir census. Citizens interviewed volunteered their own opinons and were not paid for testimony.   [2]Reports indicate the ascension of Vorel of the Hull Clade to Hull Clade leader shortly after Vannifar was annointed as the Prime Speaker of the Simic Combine at a private guildmaster meeting before the conviction of Jarad vod Savo.

Protests in District 10! Guildless Speak Up!

Due to the tragic events surrounding Zegana's murder, the guilds of Ravnica have begun pointing fingers at one another for the power imbalance. Notably, Aurelia of The Boros Legion and Niv-Mizzet of The Izzet League have starkly disagreed on the actions to take following the murder of the Prime Speaker, causing tension in District 10. Those not beholden to a guild have formed peaceful protests all throughout the city, mainly in Precinct 1 near Vizkopa Bank, in retaliation of the growing guild tensions. The last time in Ravnican history the guilds were this antagonistic towards one another, The Day of Shadows took many lives and left the guildless population of Ravnica with even less than they had before. This is no doubt an attempt to remind the guilds of their duty to protect the interest of the citizens of Ravnica, even those without guild loyalty. Some rioters have voiced their opinon on Jarad's conviction as correct and necessary, while others think the Azorius have rushed too quickly in making a judgement on the case.
  by Sniffles
Report Date
26 Aug 2024

Dracogenius Suspected! Irrefutable.

Hiya, Skulkers. I apologize fervently if what follows is not a somber reflection of the death that has rocked the city. In truth, I'm pissed. And you should be too.   I've had my differences with the Simic Combine, publicly, for years now. Their experimentation has turned an entire faction into half-cryptids. Worse, they like what they've elected to become. Now, I won't harp on previous disagreements. The point being, even as angry as I have been at Zegana and her ilk, even I am saddened to hear of her sudden death. Truth be told, she's done a lot of good for the people of this city, and myself and dissidents, Guildless or otherwise, would be hard-pressed to disagree. She spearheaded research that, while spawning cryptids, has also provided valuable healthcare for many. At least, I would assume so. As you know, I don't have health insurance. However, as I was educated by a man who rocked my dome in a mugging last night, "Oh yeah, healthcare is the shit! You gotta get on it, man"   Now, to get to my point. Niv-Mizzet, if he is not directly responsible for this unabashed crime, is guilty of something, besides being a cryptid punk. A source close to the recent meeting of the Guildmasters has confided in me that the totally uncool Izzet head honcho is aware of yet-undiscovered details of the crime, but he refuses to disclose them, until such a time that he benefits.   Mark my words, this is an open challenge to Niv-Mizzet. I do not think he committed the crime; he won't be fitting those unmanicured claws into black leather gloves anytime soon. But... his silence is an impediment to justice. It's high time we held him accountable. Skulkers, if you don't hear from me again, just know these three universal truths.  
  1. Question everyone, especially those with power.
  2. The Lotleth Troll isn't actually a troll.
  3. You don't have to pay anything, if you commit misdemeanors and below.
  by Johnny Q. Tipton


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