Major updates coming to Tarantellia in 2024!

2023 Summer Camp: Homework

Summer Camp Update! Aimed for the moon...landing among stars.   As of this moment, I have notes for enough prompts to reach diamond but (most likely) not enough time to finish up the articles. My new goal is to complete copper and push forward with other writing projects.   Thanks for following along! Love to you all!
— Lauren

Challenge Overview, Info, & Reminders

Summer Camp Reminders
Start Date: July 1st
Awards Ceremony: August 26th

4 Waves of Prompts
8 themed and 2 wild cards

Summer Camp Homework

As per usual, I'd like to reach diamond this year. 32 prompts, let's goooooo!
That said, listening to my body and life responsibilities will be my primary priority. If my goal changes, I'll update it here!
— Lnphysics

Badge Collection So Far

Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp Feral Badge by Strixxline
My goal for Summer Camp is diamond! But like, Strixxline, I'm going for a Camp Chill Mindset. ^_^ Thanks to Strixxline (Polina "Line" Arteev) for the creating the badge art! Click the Dewy Diamond Badge to go to the Badge Art & Info page!   Camp Feral to remind myself that it's ok to absolutely dive into the prompts. Thanks to Strixxline (Polina "Line" Arteev) for the creating the group and badge art! Click the Camp Feral Badge to go to the Badge Art & Info page!   Camp Chill to remind myself that rest is vital. Summer Camp is a month dedicated to growing as writers and artists. Take some time to recharge. Thanks to nnie (Annie Stein) for creating Camp Chill last year and to Those2Nerds (Rin Garnett) for designing the badge! Click the Camp Chill Badge to go to the Badge Art & Info page!  

Homework #1: Power

Power as a Concept

Janet's blog post on Power in Worldbuilding is absolutely phenomenal. Deserves a read, a reread, a rereread, a rerere-, you get it.

Power on the Claw Continent

La Chiave a Croce
The four major families deal in different trades and vie for power in the Port-City: Silverswords (have: physical prowess, need: War in Peacetime), Whispershadows (have: Social Knowledge & Connections, need: Structure), Tarrenbrooks (have: Trade Agreements & Steady State Resources, need: Time to Grow), and Clearsparks (have: Magical Abilities & Research, need: Magical Artifacts).
Acquisition Organizations
There are many organizations that try to obtain artifacts; however, the Den of Papyrus (have: public support, need: artifacts to neutralize and store) and Weaver's Guild (have: private support, need: artifacts to repurpose and use) have the most ...momentum... in these endeavours.

Power on the Seas

Louvenia Draegan, the pirate queen, does not own the seas, per say. She's just come face to face with the Boneship and lived with her crew intact. (has: freedom, resources, & connections, needs: to maintain support for her crew)  

Character Relationship Test


Diplomacy Web Test

Excellent tool for the Major Families and Organizations in La Chiave a Croce.  

World Meta Reminders

World Focus: Technological Influences, Religious Influences, Wealth Distribution
Recurring Themes Weaving Stories, Life & Death, Technology vs. Magic

Homework #2: Frontier

There are three locations within the scope of Summer Camp that I would call frontiers:
  1. Arachnae Wilderness - My favorite area to expand.
  2. This far-reaching forest spans the Claw Continent. Inside, few communities of humanoids reside. In fact, adventurers are more likely to find Ruins than other people. That said, there are some communities who have learned to live within the overgrowth.  
  3. The Sea - The next area that needs expansion.
  4. The Boneship rules the sea, preventing most oceanic travel. Louvenia Draegan and her crew are the only people to freely travel the sea.  
  5. Portals to the Fae - For when the only option is a tonic of whimsy and chaos.
  6. Other planes couldn't possibly exist, right? They're simply for children's stories. There was the one fellow, Phelan Ragewind who claimed to have traveled Beyond the Tree, but that was just the ramblings of a dreamer.  
  7. Metaphorical Frontiers - Magic & Science as it pertains to Artifacts.
  8. The last century has been filled with new advancements in magical prowess. Collectors, researchers, and adventurers have been seeking answers to the mysteries brought forth by the influx of magic.

Category Refresh!


Tags Refresh!

Some Information on Tags from the Codex, Advanced uses of Tags by Satrium, and an Example of Tag Usage by nnie.
New Tag List
  • rewrite, stub, incomplete
  • article type
  • idx-a, ..., idx-untitled
  • game-mechanics
  • self-care
  • pantheon
  • ancestry
  • partythefirst
  • partythesecond
  • party-thyme
  • planning
  • css-practice
  • potent-pastries
  • malmi, basi
  • sc-2019, ...
  • sc-prep
  • we-2019, ...
  • we-thoughts
  • ink-2019
  • nano-2021
  • challenge

Homework #3: Relics

  • Knowledge about traveling to other continents and other planes of existence has been secreted away.

Homework #4: Communication

Update on Saturday, June 24th

Possible Articles by Theme


  • Family Members of the Tarrenbrooks, Silverswords, Whispershadows, and Clearsparks
  • The Families as Organizations
  • Towns along the Tarrenbrook's trade route (Azuris Path)
  • Towns where the Silverswords Provide Protection


  • Work on Spider Compendium in the Arachnae Wilderness
  • The Boneship, Beasties of the Sea, and Oceanic Cities
  • Portals on Tarantellia to the Fae and Location Rarities
  • Artifacts, Researchers, and their stories


  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD


  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD
An amazing playlist made by and for the WA community! It's one of my two go-to playlists for writing.

World Anvil Pre-Generated Challenge List is Here!

The link above will take you to my Summer Camp Homepage! If you change out my username for yours, you'll be able to see your challenge homepage, too!

Summer Camps Past

Summer Camps Past
Generic article | Jun 3, 2024
This article includes a collection of every Summer Camp Prep article that I've completed on World Anvil (from 2019 until the time of writing this article). Every year brings about something new and different. I'm so proud of us all. Where we've been, where we are, and where we will be. Whether you're meeting your goals this summer camp or having to pivot, you're here. And I'm proud of you.

Where Stubs go to Stub

WorldEmber 2023 - Ideas
Generic article | Jul 24, 2023
I'm notorious for attempting World Ember and never making it passed Day 1. But each year I try hoping that this year will be the year that I make it go. This year, I'm starting my World Ember Prep early. Not in October when birthdays and events abound, not November when I'm trying and failing to write for NaNoWriMo or preparing for December. Maybe this will be my secret sauce. Preping during Summer Camp. xD

References for CSS Growth

If you have a favorite WA source that's not included here, let me know and I'll add it to the list!

For Containers, Catoblepon's Intro to Containers is a great resource.

For CSS tools, nnie's Solaris CSS has AMAZING tutorials.

For Fancy CSS coding, zogmaddog's Perillel CSS has all of the coding tools you'll need.

For free and purchasable CSS add-ons, Stormbrill's CSS shop has you covered!

For the basics, check out ShyRedFox's CSS Cheat Sheet!

For everything else, the World Anvil Codex has a ton of awesome tools to get you started.

More References

For Interactive Tables, here's a quick link to the World Anvil Codex.

For getting your Containers in order, check out nnie's Advanced Formating article!
Please Note:
For the remainder of 2024, please expect articles to change. Most articles will be expanded and improved, some may be removed until a future date. If you'd like to follow along, check out Tarantellia's Transformation here.

Cover image: Summer Camp 2023 Banner by Lauren Nelson


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Jun 6, 2023 08:34 by Annie Stein

Happy summercamp! I like the banner you made, it looks really good with your page!   I hope we get some prompts that suit Lovenia and these families! Especially the Tarrenbrooks, it's an interesting touch that the newcomers are the ones with those kinds of resources. I'm curious what their story is like!

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Jun 15, 2023 21:20 by Lauren

Thanks, Annie! I'm toying with the idea of watercolor-style artwork for my world. I'm glad the banner fits the bill!   I'm excited to explore those topics, too! Here's to some fun prompts this year!

"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting the rest of our lives." -Lemony Snicket
Jun 9, 2023 13:36 by TJ Trewin

Enjoy a relaxed pace towards that shiny diamond badge! You've got this :D What kind of prompts are you hoping to see in the revealed prompts?

Journals of Yesteryear

Jun 15, 2023 21:24 by Lauren

Thanks, TJ! ^_^ Settlements, items, and myths are always pretty awesome. But, honestly, I'm just looking forward to whatever the prompts throw at us this year. It's so cool how Summer Camp helps us expand our worlds into places we might never have considered before! I loves it. xD

"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting the rest of our lives." -Lemony Snicket
Jun 9, 2023 17:48 by Michael Huttar

I love how structured your page is here. Kind of makes me want to do some pre-planning with regards to layout. Good luck on reaching diamond! I'm also shooting for 32; see you at the finish line! :)

--Michael P. Huttar, PrestontheDM
Jun 15, 2023 21:28 by Lauren

Thanks, Michael! The layouts definitely help keep my brain on task. I cannot wait for these prompts. Let's go for 32! (high five) Good luck!

"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting the rest of our lives." -Lemony Snicket
Jun 15, 2023 21:41 by Michael Huttar

same, looking forward to July! Good luck!

--Michael P. Huttar, PrestontheDM
Jun 11, 2023 12:31 by Tara Fae Belle

Good luck! Looks like there are some fun things to look forward to seeing from you (E.g. the Pirate Queen & Portal to the Fae)   Yay for Dewy Diamonds :)

My current passion is Shroom People. I still don't know much about them yet. But as I do, it will be updated here:
Shroom People
Species | Jul 10, 2024
~ Happy wording!
Jun 15, 2023 21:31 by Lauren

Thanks, Tara Fae Belle! I'm looking forward to sharing what summer camp inspires!   Good luck to you with Turien! Happy to meet a fellow dewdrop! <3

"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting the rest of our lives." -Lemony Snicket
Jun 11, 2023 21:52 by Marjorie Ariel

Yay for Dewy Diamonds! I love how so many people are taking a more laid back approach to Summer Camp this year, even those who are trying to complete all 32 prompts. Good luck!

Jun 15, 2023 21:38 by Lauren

Right? It's great to see Summer Camp's metamorphosis. Here's to another awesome adventure! Cheers!

"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting the rest of our lives." -Lemony Snicket
Jun 19, 2023 01:41 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

Woo-hoo, Feral Dewdrops FTW!!   What area of your world are you MOST hoping to get to write in?

Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Summer Camp in Avalon

Rhapsody in Realms FREE on Substack!

Jun 24, 2023 11:16 by Lauren

Feral Dewdrops unite!!   Oooo, fun question! I think it's got to be the Arachnae Wilderness. There's so much untapped potential there. Plus, there's room to squeeze in a spooky article or two. ;D   Can't wait to go absolutely feral with these prompts!

"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting the rest of our lives." -Lemony Snicket
Jun 24, 2023 12:56 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

Oooo, sounds like a lot of fun!   I'm super excited as well! My world is still young, so I've got a lot of room to run with the prompts. My creative brain is sort of in a weird track atm, tho. There's something in there that doesn't want to "waste words" on things in case one of my stubs turns out to be relevant for one of the prompts. Silly, I know, but no matter how many times my heart tells my brain that juicy little tidbit, it just won't relent!   So, I've really been digging into organizing things and working in Canva on visual tidbits. I think last night I made 35 or 40 article headers that I can whip out for a variety of different prompts and topics. Oh, and then there are the badges I've been making. I've got a public challenge ready for October, and a 13-piece "Key" series for Patreon patrons. I'm also thinking of ways to use self-assigning roles to make limited-edition seasonal badges, just for funsies. (But that probably won't be until fall.)

Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Summer Camp in Avalon

Rhapsody in Realms FREE on Substack!

Jun 27, 2023 05:59 by Lauren

Hahaha, I've been there. Whenever I'm trying to "save" an idea, I jot it down in a notebook with some inspiration (ie locations, people, or vibes to set the mood). There are these two towns that I haven't had time to write about yet. Hopefully, I'll find the time and appropriate prompts in July!   That's awesome!! You're crushing it!! I bet the headers look amazing. Your badges are *chef's kiss*. With so much to look forward to, I can't wait to see what you come up with next. I'll have to follow along with you on Twitch this July. ^_^

"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting the rest of our lives." -Lemony Snicket