A.E.G.I.S. Headquarters

A massive, nearly cubic building in downtown Halcyon City, A.E.G.I.S. global headquarters houses thousands of agents and office workers, along with sophisticated monitoring and defense technology, laboratories, secure holding cells and even its own hospital.  

Purpose / Function

The global operations of A.E.G.I.S. are coordinated through the headquarters building in downtown Halcyon City. Agents may be recruited and trained in any number of field offices around the world, but the best are assigned to headquarters. The roof deck can service up to two A.E.G.I.S. helicarriers and a variety of smaller air- and spacecraft.


The building employs advanced metamaterials and alien technology to harden it against attack. The style is rather spectacularly ugly, but many citizens of Halcyon City have gotten used to it.


Layered defense screens, particle beam and plasma cannon emplacements, phase lock generators, internal and external monitoring, internal secure floors and bulkeads. Under extreme threat, the entire facility can sink into a massive underground silo and be protected by impervium blast doors. It is also rumored that the top portion (the cube visible above street level) can detach from the substructure and fly to a new location.


This is the fifth iteration of A.E.G.I.S. headquarters. One had to be demolished due to an infestation of alien spore-rats, two were destroyed in supervillain attacks and one was permanently transformed into small goldfish in a bowl (which sits on the current Director's desk as a reminder).


"Dress like a supervillain and take a selfie in front of A.E.G.I.S. headquarters" is a popular InstaSnap challenge.
Military base / complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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