History of the Iron Dominion

This timeline documents the relevant history of the Iron Dominion and its occupation of Chapel Valley

Colonial Era

... 4251 A.U.

The Colonial Era was the time period when the Faylen Continent was under the control of the Arimanus Sovereignty and the Kingdom of Salvone, and before the Iron Rebellion.

  • 14th of Rimefall, 34 B.D.
    Ferrous Day
    Life, Birth

    The first Iron lord of the Iron Dominion, Gregor Ferrous, is born into the Ferrous family, who had moved to the Gulf of Faylen from the Arimanus Sovereignty several years earlier. The day is now celebrated as “Ferrous Day” in the Dominion.

  • 20th of Richharvest, 6 B.D.
    Iron Rising
    Military action

    In the aftermath of the imperial war between the Sovereignty and the Armada, a young Gregor Ferrous begins a revolutionary war against the Arimanus Sovereignty’s reign over the Faylen Gulf, taking advantage of their weakened state.

Iron Rebellion

4251 A.U. 4257 A.U.

The Iron Rebellion era is when the founding fathers and mothers of the Iron Dominion first took up arms against the Arimanus Sovereignty.

Era of the Dominion

4257 A.U. and beyond

The Era of Dominion is the time after the founding of the Iron Dominion.