Dermont Settlement in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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The majesty of the city is not lost on anyone who will visit. The Elven Leader keeps the town looking perfect at every junction, and all the shops and taverns seem to have a drive to do the same, you hardly see one broken sign, or dirty window when you are roaming the streets...
Dermont is the largest City in the Eastwind region of Terra Novus. During its inception, approx 200 DR, Dermont was the Capital City of the region, and this remained the case until the Great War of 1350 where the Capital was moved to the more securely defended city of Vale Hall. Dermont still remains a large part of the Industry of the region, and its economy is very strong meaning it will always have a 'place at the table' when any political decisions need to be made.  
The City of Dermont stands proud and strong. In most areas it is well kept, yes there are the deprived servants areas of the City, but even these have a bustle about them. The inhabitants are all well kept, secure and well paid. The Architecture speaks of the old Elven architects, spire and domes adorn the top of most of the buildings. The Main square, where you currently stand, is busy today. A few market stalls are open for business even tho the main market day earlier in the week. The wooden stalls are selling all sorts of bric a brac and food, but none of them would attract your attention today. In the far corner of the square is a large shop selling an abundance of wares in all varieties, its doors are made of strong wood and are held open by two stone cats, a large 'Welcome' sign stands proudly outside. Two buildings further down stands a large Inn, its name hangs above the ornate white doors, 'The Glass Tavern'. Aside from these buildings of note, the rest of the square is a you would usually expect in a well kept town, patrons going about their day, busy parents chasing children down the alleys and accross the open areas between. A sign at the far end of the large courtyard catches your eye, it points eastward and has one simple word etched in gold 'Horses'.


Mainly Elfish and Human Origin, but has a strong society of both Aasimar and Tieflings


Law, Strong Rule
Founding Date
200 DR
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Characters in Location


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