Statue of Dorn Building / Landmark in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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Statue of Dorn

It is not clear who or what Dorn was, but clearly someone felt strongly enough to build him a Statue in the middle of the wilderness. It is clearly a very impressive effort, and tourists do flock from miles away to see it, although this also attracts the less honorable of visitors who are there to either con some gold from tourists who don't know any better, or straight up rob and pillage unsuspecting victims.  
An impressive 50 foot high statue, carved from the finest stone and adorned with a single name plaque 'Dorn'. Some people will claim to know the history of this great monument, and what it symbolises, but their stories are simple tales passed from generation to generation, and to this day the history of who Dorn was is unknown. The location is non-descript, the statue standing in the middle of what has always been a bleak countryside location, close the the mountains but not close enough to consider this being someone who sought refuge there. His race seems to be human, but he does have several characteristics of both Elves and Dwarves. Perhaps one day his history will be uncovered for all to know and learn.


The Statue attracts all manner of tourists and visitors, but all are reminded to keep a watch out for trouble as there will always be someone around looking for a way to make money or your health.
Founding Date
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