Vale Hall Settlement in Terra Novus | World Anvil
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Vale Hall

The city from which a thousand poems have been written, such a sight for the weary traveller. Its walls are majestic, shining like a beacon of hope and serenity. Once inside you will be made to feel at home, welcomed by all the inhabitants. Such a special place...
Vale Hall is the capital and second largest city of the Eastwind region. Built with high walls to prevent invaders, it took over as capital after the Great War.  
Vale Hall, the capital city of Eastwind, is a low level but stunningly beautiful city in the mid-north regions of Eastwind.   The City was founded on the old fortress city of 'Del Agarath' which was destroyed over 1700 years before.   Vale Hall is primarily made up of Dwarfs and Wood Elves, but a large Halfling and Human population has also started to call it their home.   The City is low but its walls are high and believed to be near impossible to breach, and as such during the great war the City was seen as a haven for the helpless and poor to hide and take shelter whilst the battles rages outside.


Populace is made up of primarly Elves, with Humans, Dwarves and even Goblins holding positions of infrastructure, commerce and power.


Lawful and Military based

Points of interest

Vale Hall Dome is one of the largest single structures in the land, the dome was made of pure Gold and was a present from the North West City of Arai.


Very popular with explorers and adventurers due to its position near the mountainous regions of Dolblain.
Founding Date
210 DR
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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