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Summer Camp 2024

Welcome to Summer Camp 2024!

The summer sun beats down on your head as you roam the square, in search of the merchants' guild. The sights and smells are nothing but distractions to you, but effective ones. To avoid getting sidetracked by the various food stalls and shop carts, roll a concentration check.
The Everian Ascension Campaign

by World Anvil

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney & Canva

Make Your Pledge

This Summer Camp is going to be special. While in the past I have used Summer Camp to grow my world and tried to follow prompts solely for worldbuilding purposes, this year I plan to use this month to buckle down and get my campaign, the Everian Ascension - or TEA for short - ready for a podcast starting in early September. I want to use the prompts to focus entirely on lore within the borders of Everia, and make sure that I have everything built out that I need to. Then I just need to buy the podcasting equipment, but I'll figure that out later. For now, we prepare.

The Everian Ascension
Plot | Jun 8, 2024

Choose Your Class

I HAD to go Camp Feral again! My third Summer Camp is here, and I plan to make the most of it by working as hard as I am able to on writing! I'm definitely going absolutely feral about this campaign, and have been for almost a year now, so it should be relatively easy to carry this energy over.

Camp Feral Badge by Strixxline

Week 1: Change

What 'Change' Fits With My World

My universe of the Tethered Realms thrives on change, especially the planet of Visctheria. For the purposes of this SC, we're focusing on my campaign, so Heroic Age Visctheria will be the majority of our focus. Just because our scope is a bit limited for this year, doesn't mean I will be limited, as this story is relative. I have tons of material to work on, and I'm confident I'll accomplish much of it!

The changes that occur during the events of the Everian Ascension range from miniscule to massive in terms of both size and impact. Small changes - like who runs a village - to big changes - like who runs a country - all goes topsy-turvey thanks to the adventuring party. The story exists because change must be made. The party are the ones who stepped up to enact it.

Filling Out The Pledge

I'm only pledging for Copper this year, simply because I am both attending summer classes, working full time, and running a side business. I'd like to write for Diamond, but it's just not realistic.

Reviewing My Categories

In taking a break from WA, I've realized that some reorganization is in order. I plan to move my categories around to better serve how the world runs - and how many folders you have to click through to find an article!

Updating My Meta

I structured my Meta a little differently for this world. Instead of going with the WA Meta page, I decided to build my Dev Log for both categorization, meta world information, and all the WA challenges! While it's a little different from the usual world primer - which will be coming soon - it works well for me, and I'm excited to keep building onto it.

Week 2: Refuge

What 'Refuge' Fits With My World

I plan to work heavily on locations and geography during this SC to prepare for all the places my players are going to visit, so Refuge is a good theme to work with. Where will they go to explore, to rest, or to grow? The world will find out soon, coming to a podcast app near you!

There are a number of refuges in my world, where people find a safe place to hide, a soft place to land. Despite this world being a land of darkness and twisted intention, Visctheria is full of refuges. While I've focused a lot on the dark and horrible, the things that force change in the world, I need to add more to the soft places.

Find A Group

Of course my lovely players are going to be my group, and I can't wait to bring them in for more information!

If you'd like to see more about the campaign as it goes, find easy links to all my content, and join a wonderful community of writers, streamers, YouTubers, and all around great people, check out our Discord!

Improving Styling

I'm pretty pleased with how my styling goes, as I tend to style as I write. I like the way the articles turn out, and I'm excited to get into a new meta article I'm planning: Styling Tips for the Wayward Writer! It's a draft for now, but coming soon!

CSS Touch Ups

Of course, you know I love my CSS touch ups. But I've actually decided to let it be for now. I want to do a full upgrade once I add a lot more content, and get a better idea of what needs to be fixed once the campaign starts.

Week 3: Belief

What 'Belief' Fits With My World

My world is filled with belief: in religion, in superstition, in heroes, in ourselves. A key part of my Meta is that everyone is the hero of their own story, and therefore, belief must be in themselves in order to succeed. However, people put their confidence in a lot in the Tethered Realms, and commonly put it in the wrong thing. Just because you can believe, doesn't mean you should.

While religion is a common theme in my world, with very present deities and creatures that inspire belief and worship, few Visctherians actually "believe" in the Visctherian Pantheon. They are simply a fact of life. That's what's going to make this theme so interesting: if they don't believe in the Gods, what do they believe in?

Find My Inspirations

Two of my core characters for this campaign are Asmond Atlas Alkasyr and Lerissa Sorrows. They have been involved in the story since the beginning, and are key parts of my planned plot. Of course I have playlists for them!

Visctheria Gallery

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney
by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

The New Aesthetic

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney
The Thaerdroth Family
by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

Week 4: Decay

What 'Decay' Fits With My World

There's one difficult theme every Summer Camp, and this year it's Decay. My world is growing, quickly, through most of the story. What has the chance to decay? Of course, there is the inherent thought that all growing things have phases and bits of decay here and there, but is that decay tolerated amongst the growth? What is trimmed away to make room for the new?

In thoughts about decay, I'm reminded of how many things are dependent on it. Ecosystems thrive on decay, allowing them to experience new growth where there was no room previously. Things can only grow and change if there is room for them to do so.

Optimizing My Environment

My environment is a little rocky as we head into Summer Camp, simply for the fact that partner and I are apartment shopping. I'm hoping to be able to set up a good writing space, and keep up with my goals, but you never know! It might all go haywire!

Homepage Review

WOW did I break some things with this homepage review! I got some absolutely amazing pointers from Hanhula on design elements, as well as some CSS advice on making the page a little easier to read. Let me know what you think of the new design, or if you have any advice or pointers yourself!

Update My Author Page

I also spent some time updating my Author Page since it hasn't been touched since 2021! I'm quite pleased with how it turned out, and I'm excited to see how the rest of my world progresses!

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Cover image: by sunnybirdboi & WA via MidJourney & Canva


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Jun 9, 2024 00:45 by Polina "Line" Arteev

So excited for your podcast adventure to start up! Cheering so hard for you this summer :D

Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
Craft a bright new world, in Ayun Sovos!
The Feral Sovereign returns for Summer Camp 2024!
Jun 9, 2024 17:04 by Icarus Crow

Cheering for you too! Go Camp Feral!!!

Jun 25, 2024 20:10 by Tillerz

\o/ All the things, woohoo!