Common Goods

Many items from our world exist on Tethys like rice, tea, or tobacco. They weren't found everywhere, until the end of the Third Age, Kingdoms, once the trade ramped up and these goods could be produced in different parts of the world.  
  • Peppercorn - Very common. Was exclusive to the Old World.
  • Corn - Common in most temperate regions. Was exclusive to Arakhor.
  • Potates - Very common. Was exclusive to the Old World.
  • Grapes - Very common. Was exclusive to the Old World.
  • Wheat - Very common. Was exclusive to the Old World.
  • Olives - Uncommon. Was exclusive to the Old World.
  • Rice - Common. Was exclusive to Sailan.
  • Tea - Very Common. Was exclusive to Sailan.
  • Tobacco - Uncommon. Was exclusive to the Great Islands.
  • Coffee - Uncommon. Was exclusive to the Black Marsh region of the Old World.
  • Tomataos - Very common. Was exclusive to Arakhor.
  • Cactus - Rare. Was exclusive to Azura.
  • Chocolate - Uncommon. Was exclusive to the Archeron.
  • Pumpkin - Very common. Was exclusive to the Archeron.
  • Carrot - Very common. Was exclusive to Venland.
  • Turnip - Very common. Was exclusive to Venland.
  • Onion - Very common. Was exclusive to the Old World.
  • Peppers - Common. Was exclusive to the Demonic Jungles Region of Azura.
  • Cucumber - Very common. Was exclusive to Venland.
  • Celery - Rare. Was exclusive to the Forgotten Lands.
  • Eggplant - Rare. Was exclusive to the Forgotten Lands.
  • Bannana - Rare. Was exclusive to the Great Lishna Jungle of Azura.
  Ever since that age, centuries later, there are many variations of these goods in the hands of the people. Tobacco from the Great Islands might be different from that in Riverlands.   The Forgotten Lands seem to be an exception and they already had almost all the goods listed, except for some like Rice.


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