Death's Terrace

The land of Undeath, realm of Vecna, when he walked on the Material Plane. This is where the god of death (at that time) experimented with life and death, creating the Ghol Race as well as other Undead creations. It is here that the Ghols founded their kingdom and turned it to the empire known as Lepidia. Many of the Ghols that are raised elsewhere will be always greeted here as a family, thus their population barely falls. It is only in times of war that their numbers fall. It happened many times during the Third Age, Kingdoms, especially when the nation was pacified by the Divine Empire (just before Isagorth was on the brink of conquering Lepidia centuries earlier). When the Fourth Age, The Calamity dawned, Lepidia almost fell, only the Sorrowful Hills were able to withstand an assault the longest but in the end survived the Iconian Empire. This region was the key to Vecna's Ascension to Overgod and war broke out as soon as it was revealed. However, it was a matter of few years before the world shattered in Vecna Foiled event, the lands became inhabitable and many people died to hunger. Lepidia was able to revive itself during the Fifth Age, Current Age, when the Post-Calamity Era swept the world, many new undead appeared and immigrated to this region. Now, the undead nation hungers for more, the region swelled in numbers and its neighbors are looking tasty. If the Great Buffer falls, the undead will flood the cities of the living.


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