Divine Lands

This is where the nation of the Divine Empire was born. Where the ancient humans met with the Divine King and transformed to the Goldbloods thus changing the future of the whole world. Many lands were conquered by the Divine Kingdom before it moved to the other regions but no matter where, the Divine Lands was their home, their holy land, the birthplace of their nation. Between the Vitae Hills lies the most holy capital of Sangrittus and the bountiful lakes of Three Aristocrat Lakes (Kingslake, Queenslake and Heirslake) or the golden river of Kingsriver. These are the places where true civilization was born or at least that what the citizens of the Divine Lands would tell you. While it was in full control of the Divine Empire by most of the Third Age, Kingdoms, they lost everything to the Iconian Empire when the Fourth Age, The Calamity dawned. They would regain some influence, almost the full height of their power but once the Vecna Foiled event happened, everything changed. It took over two hundred years in the Fifth Age, Current Age for the Divine Empire to regain past glory and retake the eastern part of the north Old World. Now, when the center of their nation is secure, they can look to other lands.


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