
The world of Tethys achieved their "renaissance" during the Third Age, Kingdoms, when the Black Powder was invented. While most of the weapons were cannons, soon muskets and pistols were commonplace. This disrupted power and some say brought a plague upon the world. Near the end of the age, new types of black powder weapons were created known as cartridge firearms. It dramatically decreased the time needed to reload and making them easy to use. In the Fifth Age, Current Age, there are a few places where people use Basic Firearms known as Flintlock Firearms. Like the armies of the Divine Empire, Djun or Dakhla. There are even countries where Flintlock Firearms are used by the commonfolk like Olvoe or Archadian Confederacy. The less common firearms known as Advanced Firearms or Cartridge Firearms come mainly from Quadropolis. While the gnomes do not share their technology lightly, some gunsmiths exist in the world that manufacture cartridges for these weapons but they are a rarity.   
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Firearm. Firearms propel rounded bullets through an explosion caused by the ignition of explosive black powder. Spent ammunition from a firearm cannot be recovered. A firearm produces a loud cracking sound when fired, audible out to 300 feet. This is true for Basic and Advanced firearms.

Firearms ignore one/two points of Armour Class from non-magical Medium/Heavy armor. They can be repaired with tinkerer tools or gunsmith tools. Broken Firearms do not fire.

Flintlock. Known also as Basic Firearms use the old type of reloading procedure thus it increases the time it needs to reload in combat. They are loaded with black powder, wadding, and bullets through the muzzle of the gun.

Flintlocks misfire on an attack roll of 1 or 2. To clean the misfire, the character makes a DC 10 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check if he succeeds he can do it in a bonus action, otherwise, he must use an action. A natural 1 on the check breaks the mechanism and the weapon is broken. Once cleared it is unloaded and must be reloaded again. The Misfire range may expand if the shooter is subject to rain or is otherwise wet. It is up to the DM to make a call based on conditions. For example, heavy rain might mean a misfire on a 1-10.

Cartridge. Known also as Advanced Firearms use the new type of reloading procedure thus decreasing the time needed to reload in combat. They are loaded with a special cartridge that already has the bullet and black powder inside.

Cartridge Firearms misfire on an attack roll of 1. Their misfire breaks the innards of the weapon making it Broken, they need to be repaired with a tinkerer or gunsmith tools.

Blunderbuss. This weapon has a special damage rule when used with Scatter Shot ammunition. All targets in a 15ft cone must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a fail, the target(s) take 4d4 Piercing Damage, or half as much on a success.

Proficiency. Artificer has proficiency with all Firearms. Those that wish to start with a firearm proficiency must discuss it with the GM. They will always start with one weapon of their choice. During downtime, the character might use the language/tool proficiency training XGE rules to learn to use one firearm. Flintlock Pistol and Single-barrel Pistol are considered Simple Proficiency. Those that have Martial Proficiency can use them with ease without additional training.

Musketeer Feat. Selecting this feat allows your character with the following benefits:

  • Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

  • You gain proficiency with firearms.

  • You ignore the loading property of firearms.

  • Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls.

  • Weapon's misfire chance decreases by your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier (to a minimum of 1). You have an advantage on checks for clearing, cleaning, and repairing your misfired firearm.

  • If you have the Dual Wielder Feat: When you use the Attack action and attack with a one-handed weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack with a light firearm you are holding in your other hand.


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